
vote for #14

vote for #14 is the best

#14 i like this one

vote for #14

My Vote for This

vote #14 reasonable

I vote for this coin #14

Oh perfect coin , i like it so wonderful , got my vote

Vote #14 beautiful design

Vote for #14
the design is spectacular I love it. ✌😊

Vote #14 this is my very favorite.

Vote for #14, It represent the most concept of the global community.

#14 i vote

Vote for #14 like this design

i vote for #14

nice coin vote #14

I vote for this coin 14

Vote #14 beautiful design

Yes that true

Vote #14

Vote #14

#14 i vote

Vote for #14 New design!

i vote for this coin designed by Mr. @ricko66

I vote for this coin. It shows how Steem connects people around the world and the design is modern and cool.

Like this coin, I think it shows the meaning of being a global community.

Vote # 14

I vote # 14

vote #14

Vote for #14 I think is the best option and beautiful design!

#14 I like the map on coins.

vote for #14 show how steemit grow and better place for everyone can investment

#14 doesn’t need Edition. Just the year
I love the map and lines linking continents and people.

Vote #14 beautiful design...

#14 I like this one

Vote for #14

Vote for # 14 Just love the symbolism on it!

Some tough choices. I like this one! Even if it didn't say' "No Prey, No pay!" wait that line's already been taken.

I like this it makes it look like steem is taking over the world, an empire of consciousness!!!

#14 look strong.

Vote #14

#14 got the vote from me. I like this one.