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RE: The Steem Sister Show - Episode 12 // Home

WHOWOWOWOAAAA! Thanks again Steem Sisters! I don't think you could realise just how exciting it is to hear your question read out (amazing job Lea... it was a totally complex question).

There is so much in this episode! I'm very much of the mind to pay a professional to renovate... it could take me 5 hours to figure something out and do it, or one hour for a dude with the right tools and knowledge to come in and make it look pretty..... BUT... my partner loves to renovate and she painted our whole house herself and it looks amazing and she saved us heaps of cash... so I think it comes down to how you want to spend your time.

I'm a huge bath person too... EPSOM salts.. .and we got a place with our own jacuzzi too... heat is so good for all those crazy sore ninja muscles... and I agree... all my best ideas come from being nowhere near a computer.

We live in the country now.. but we've really lived downtownish for the last decade or so, and loved having everything walking distance... but I hate driving, and hated that we'd be in a traffic jam as soon as we left our place... I honestly don't leave our country place much now, it has everything I need... and friends come to us because it's so fun.

Naaawwwww, you two are quickly becoming favourites too... you might need to take on @polebird and @karensuestudios in the Sister Olympics!

Please feel free to ignore me this week, I really don't want to hog the listener question section... but if you have space...

"Can you name a female and male style icon each that you really like the style of?"


Aww thanks so much for watching this episode!! Your question was really fun and sparked some interesting conversation!! I'm totally with you on paying someone who has the right tools and skill set... but like you said - it just depends on where you want to spend your time and money.

Luckily Bellingham is still pretty small, and so even though there is a ton I can walk to from my place, I don't have to deal with traffic jams. Awesome that your friends will come out to your place! Seems like that doesn't always happen. :)

Also YES on epsom salts!! Soooo lovely. It's really cool that you have a jacuzzi. I'd love to have one someday - but for now, a bath will do the trick! I'm sure your sore muscles love the salt water soak after a hard workout. :)

I've totally thought about approaching Karen and her sis to do a collab sometime - but haven't really thought about what we would do. Sister Olympics re-match is such a fun idea!! hahah