Waa! I have been so busy this week I almost missed this episode!
I can relate to the third answer from mary, I do the same thing! I mean, I usually try to listen to productive audios or videos while I'm doing some generical activity, like doing the washing up or having breakfast. In fact this a very common habit I have, watching something productive while I eat, lol.
I don't know if you know (redundant lol), but I learn English using your videos and trying to understand everything, it's great because when something is funny and enjoyable you understand it all :)
My question for next episode:
Do you have a funny picture from your childhood that no matter how much time has passed, you and your family always laugh at it?
if so, tell us about it :D
By the way, you both look almost the same as when you were children, eternal youth! hehe. Can't wait for the next episode :)