Nice work, fun little game and like the concept of how you reward for playing it.
Although I know this a little bit of fun to help you to learn Javascript, I'll share my feedback anyway :)
- Why not use the keyboard to start the game rather than click, I use a laptop and use the touchpad and I can't tell you how many times I've died from clicking and not reacting fast enough. Maybe a countdown, but I assume that's more work than value.
- It seems that if you double-click the send post to many times it can duplicate the comment, also if you successfully submit a comment and then click it again multiple times it will show the failure alert (informing you that you've already submitted) and then the successful alert.
- Sometimes it will just pass over the dot when it should capture it, not repeatability to this, but just happens sometimes.
- A change difficulty button would be nice, but obviously, I could type that into the URL.
- A count of you score would also be cool, maybe play time too.
- On hard the score seems to be doubled from what it actually posts in the comment.
Again, I know this is a game you've just thrown together, but thought it would be useful as some of these might be additional pieces you want to add in/resolve in the future.
Keep up the good work :D
Thank you for your feedback :)
I'm already working on v2.0 that will make game better.
P.S. I fixed 6. Score in game and comment should be the same now.