Hello Everyone,
I am happy to announce the start of SteemSpeak RoundHouse a half hour of organised discussion in which everyone can take part!

Question: How can I join in?

Answer: To join in you do need to have a functional headset, then simply connect to https://discordapp.com/invite/cqQRBpv and announce yourself in the General Chat as a Speaker (Please don't forget to setup push to talk as well.)
Question: How can I listen in?
Answer: Just navigate to http://www.steemspeak.com
Question: When?
Answer: Friday October 21st 6pm to 630pm -5EST
In addition when the conversation is finished the results will be posted onto Steem using https://speechnotes.co/ AND https://speech-to-text-demo.mybluemix.net/ for speech to text.