Feature a Basketball Steemian : @jbeguna04 | Hot Hands Outside the Arc

Feature a Basketball Steemian : |

This series of Feature a Basketball Steemian is an initiative to feature each basketball Steemian in Cebu City by interviewing them questions. Part of the earnings of this post will be used to fund basketball activities and programs.

Player Featured : @jbeguna04


Preferred position : Shooting Guard

A brief description of who @jbeguna04 is :

I am Jibbie R. Eguna and the eldest of three siblings. Im currently studying at UCLM taking up Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. I came up with a broken family since im 6 years old and currently staying together with my aunts and grandmother.

My father is working outside our country as auto-mechanic in toyota. Even if its hard to live without your family, it is needed for our studies and allowances even he is not paid that big.

Together with my aunts, they fill me with love and joy. They give the support that i was needed. Treated us like their own child ang giving time to listen for our problems. So lucky to have this kind of family and thats all.

Tell us your history about basketball

I learned basketball together with classmates in my sixth grade. Playing basketball even if it is noon time and dircetly heated by the sun. Until it became a hobby, my neighbors is asking me to play with them in different baranggays in our place. Basketball is really fun to play. When I joined my first league in our baranggay at Hipodromo Cebu City, I was so excited and felt nervous on what would be the result of this league.

The whole league is so difficult for me because there are enemies who are tougher than me and that is just normal. Playing for my schools at MCA is an honor for I had experienced to play with different schools during district tounaments. Some of my achivements was i was able to joined the mythical five for our district tournaments representing our school.

Favorite NBA Team : Boston Celtics

Who is your "Most" Favorite Player?

"Kyrie Irving"

Thank you @everyone for Participating

Your support is extremely appreciated as we aim to fund raise to support our basketball activities and programs to be implemented. Thank you so much Steemit! More players will be featured soon.


Thank You For featuring me on your post. I am so grateful and honored being featured in your post. More power to you !