
Watch out for Lakers next season!

I disagree with you. You are completely overlooking his once in a generation passing and vision, great rebounding for a point guard and he is playing really good defence(especially team defnece). He proved he can be a decent shooter in college and he had a 16 game stretch with around 50% from the field and 45% from three this season. To me it is a confidence problem. As a Lakers fan, I want him to keep shooting and shots will evetually start to fall. About free throws, that's just terrible I agree, but that is fixable as well. Final point- he has been compared to Jason Kidd. Kidd shot 27% from three in his rookie year and we all know what he turned into. Surround Lonzo with better shooting and he will be a consistant triple-double guy.
Anyway, good post, glad to see different opinions. Best regards!

Agree on all these points yes! People were trashing Brandon Ingram last year too because of slow development. They're still young and I'm glad he's getting in these crunch time reps now as you said!

it's good

Lonzo needs to accept that he will never be a good scorer and start playing to his strenghts. Just look at Ben Simmons he also can't shoot so HE IS NOT SHOOTING!! I don't think Lakers should trade him cause he can impact the game in so many ways and has a potential to be a Rajon Rondo-like player in the future.

Great content as always guys! Keep it coming!