I do not have a ghost story, but I do have one that would fit into your Cabinet. When my ex and I were still married, way back in the mid 70's perhaps, a song became popular titled Una Paloma Blanca. Ex loved that song. It had an uplifting beat and just seemed to send him soaring. Ex died last year at Thanksgiving time. He had moved close to my youngest daughter who had some land. They built a tiny house for him. My daughter was in charge of making the funeral arrangements. I reminded her that he had always said he wanted that song to be played at his funeral. (We divorced over 25 years ago, so I did not know if my daughter remembered that request or not.)
As things happened, she contacted the Navy Veterans and they made the arrangements and it did not leave a place for requested music, so the song was not played. After the funeral, my daughter invited everyone to her spacious home for dinner. She has a very nice outdoor eating place that seats up to 50 people. The day was gorgeous, as so many days are in far south Texas, even at Thanksgiving time. As her guests were all outside, a white dove came and perched on the porch railing. This is a very rare thing for a wild dove to come and land amid 50 people talking and moving about. It sat there for several minutes, just looking at each guest. Everyone was spell-bound as my daughter was telling the story of the song that did not get to be played. After a while, the bird took to wing again, made two big circles around the crowd and then flew off and disappeared. No one could believe what they had just witnessed. No one can explain how or why the bird came and observed the crowd before leaving. My daughter did take a picture of the dove and showed it to me on her phone.
Unexplainable things do happen. This is one of them.
Wow, that story gave me chills. It takes your breath away when things like that happen -- inexplicable and yet understood. Can I read that on the air?
Yes, you may. People who attended the funeral in Corpus Christi will know who it is. But since I do not have her permission to use her name publicly, I will not provide it.
That's absolutely fine. Thank you so much!!
You are welcome. I know your listeners will like it.