Hey there, Steem Stars!
I apologize for not getting this posted immediately after the show.
Six hours of audio and video take a really long time to edit on a crappy old i7 laptop. LOL
Without further ado, here is the edited-down 4.5 hour replay of:
Steemitizens of Steem, Episode 2!
Featuring several witnesses and a whole lot of Steemitizens, all taking the mic and dropping it, on the show about YOU, dear listeners, the show where ANYONE can take the mic and introduce themselves, talk about their favorite steemit topics or least favorite steemit "issues" or anything else at all that is on their minds.
We have some rousing conversations and this is the show you should not miss, if you want to know most about steem, steemit, witnesses and your fellow steemitizens. Everyone enjoys the experience and we are only missing YOU!
To appear on the show, join us in discord here https://discord.gg/zkTeKeS
To just listen choose from our website player, youtube live, twitch.tv or your own rtmp capable player such as VLC freeware media player. Details for each are on SteemStar.net
Make this the week you come and visit with us, and share your thoughts, opinions, latest post, your beefs, your griefs, your thrills, your chills, and your excitement LIVE ON THE AIR!
All are welcome! We don't have any rules about who you have to be or what you can say here, except that you must remain polite or we will boot your meanie butt off the air, capiche?
You must have a microphone to speak on the air, but there is a text chat and we can read your words out for you as well, if you don't have a mic. Also, headphones are nesc or you must turn your speakers off when talking on the air, or you will have an ugly echo that will ruin what you say for everybody, and we know you don't want to do that, right?
So don't miss out on the best conversation of the week, every week on the SteemStar Network!
Here's the deets:

See you in next Sunday on The Stream At The Center Of The Steemiverse!
Yours in service,
Founder @YouAreHOPE Foundation
Founder @SteemStarNetwork Global 24/7/365 live stream
Top 100 Steem Witness