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RE: steemstats 0.3.0 - desktop notifications, estimated curation rewards, and lots more!

in #steemstats9 years ago (edited)

You can be that guy any day :)

Thanks for the heads up, and it should be fixed if you refresh!

Not gonna bother with the animated gif, it's too late for that haha.


One more related issue that should be a quick-ish fix - On chrome and firefox for me at least when the red "Syncing" div appears it shifts the content down the page.. I tend to leave open the incoming votes page on a side monitor, it constantly draws my attention as the page twitches down a line and back up..

If it was moved to below the username list, or given a set height container to appear in this shouldn't happen :)

Good catch! That little red label element was slightly taller than the text.

Instead of just forcing the height, I added a counter onto the "Posts" tab so now it's always that height :)

Let me know if it still bounces for ya or if this fixes it.

That did the trick for me, thank you heaps that was making me twitchy :)

Totally understand how it goes. I went to bed after that post, but I typically have it running on my 2nd display as well if I'm being active.

Thanks so much for fixing that it was driving me insane, kept thinking I had new activities and checking every 2 seconds.

That was quick, thx again mate

Mind if I ask how you're making these animated gifs ? Is there some easy tool I'm missing or is it a full desktop record scaled down and converted .. All the cool kids have them and I keep putting it in the too-hard basket :P

I use LICEcap.

It's just a box that you drag somewhere on your screen and hit record. Then I upload them to giphy for hosting.

It's a simple free program with no frills, but it gets the job done!

Thats awesome, I love simple and free thanks for the heads up. Every time I googled I found a bunch of spammy crap trying to appeal to twitch streamers etc, this is perfect