So good to see you posting about your field again Erika :D
Your systemic posts have been a source of learning and information for me. I always get excited whenever I identify the parallels between your field and mine. Although, by saying this it seems as if I see them as separate. But, I do not. I see them rather as different branches of the same tree.
The way you discussed groupthink here is enlightening. And highlighting that consensus is not unanimity, but rather: "the satisfaction of all participants with concern to a particular decision" goes straight to the heart of it.
On my branch of the tree, consensus (groupthink) is sometimes attributed to group members being susceptible to wanting to agree on something in order to maintain an image of cohesion. And although this can bring satisfaction to group-members, as it enhances the sense of group identity, it often leads them to abandon possible thought-through proposals/decisions. Something which more often than not results in problems.
One can see how such situations could be avoided through systemic consensus, though. Am I right to conclude that it's because decision making then becomes about the issue itself, and not about an individual's position in the group?
Big hug from Portugal! :*
Thank you for your visit. Lovely to have you here.
Yes, it's quite a while ago :)
I am glad to hear that the systemic related posts were a good source for you. I sometimes think it all sinks into the basement of the Steemosphere and so it's good to hear your feedback.
Oh :) yes, we are all children of the same tree - Our professions are closer to each other than those of a truck driver.
I vividly remember my group during my education. We had a lot of troubles! Laughter. Yes, it brings a sense of identity and cohesion but I agree it also causes a lot of conflicts. Often remain unsolved.
Yes, I would say that you are right in concluding that systemic consensus decision making is more about the issues and less about the individuals position. Though funnily it's exactly the individuals position which gets a chance to be honestly expressed. But while in majority voting its all about "Me first/on top" in systemic consensus all individuals know that every one else will make his choice on a much more authentic base. Isn't that wonderful. :)
Oh, what I forgot to ask: would this method be something for your working/social environment? I ask, because I would like to know if anyone who thinks this method could help, would give it a practical try in the groups he encounters in daily life.