(This is my third attempt to post this comment. What am I doing wrong?)
Many times family members will be annoyed with me because I ask them for sources when they offer health advice. They see my question as a personal rebuke, rather than as an effort to validate. Without legitimate studies, how can one separate conjecture from 'fact'? And even with proper studies, skepticism is always appropriate. So often one study contradicts another...sometimes for reasons that are not clear. A body of evidence rather than one citation, is usually my confidence zone.
The business about the journal articles is distressing and infuriating. Usually on the Internet it is possible to find at least the substance of just about any article, even the ones that are for sale. They may be embedded in another piece, or cited in detail.
As for making money...if you figure out that formula, please write a blog about it. I could use the information :)