Oh boy. Lucky indeed, in your unluckiness.
chives, garlic, onion, black pepper, cashew and mangoes
Interestingly, all of those (except black pepper) are not to be eaten on the low-FODMAP diet, a common recourse for those with gastrointestinal issues. One more thread in the gut-autoimmune connection, I guess.
That's a veritable hat fetish you have there!
He He. Half of those hats were gifts.
And that gut connection...oh yeah.
Thanks for stopping by, @alexander.alexis :)
I just read this in the book The Paleo Approach: "Celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, dermatitis herpetiformis, and bullous pemphigoid have been definitively linked to gluten as an environmental trigger."
I assume you don't eat gluten? I remember you mentioned not getting along with fiber.
Thank you so much. No gluten. Processed fiber, in small amounts. I've recently discovered organic maple syrup. I tolerate it really well and seem to feel better with it in my diet.
That's an amazing read..that they even mention pemphigus is astonishing.
As for the hats (going back to that 😃): it's hard when you have to wear a hat everywhere, indoors and out. For a while, everyone had fluorescent lights. These are pathogenic for me, as are halogens. My family started bringing home hats of every kind when they went on vacation. Now LEDs are replacing the old UV emitting bulbs, and life is much easier. I can actually venture in most stores and restaurants without a hat. 😁
Thanks again for the information. Hope you are well.
I think you were a bat in your previous life.