Let me ask you a simple question though. Do you think you could potentially do without your phone for a single day?
Without a phone? Yes. But recently my laptop broke for 1.5 days and I thought I was missing a brain.
And speaking of computers, I don't use my phone much, but I do use my computer quite a lot. Any idea as to whether that causes anything similar to what you say phones might possibly cause? The screen, say. If yes, maybe write an article about it?
Lol I can totally relate to this in all honesty! Being without my laptop sometimes makes me feel incomplete..like I'm missing a part of my soul or something haha.
And with regards to the issue of computer monitors, the amount of radiation they emit is even wayyy lesser than what you would encounter from using a messed up phone. So it's almost negligible and doesn't or wouldn't pose any major risk to it's user. Maybe a post about it in the future would suffice though. Thanks a lot for your heartfelt contribution :)
Okay now I feel comfortable sitting at my comp again!