I guess I just feel like stepping on toes today. That, and I spectated an argument on Reddit earlier about whether nuclear power is a valid part of a zero GHG emissions grid roadmap. I was surprised to see that the popular opposition to nuclear power started in the 1970s is still going strong.
This distresses me, because every one of their arguments against it is rooted in misinformation. Nuclear power is astonishingly powerful, and miraculous in that it emits only water vapor. The solid waste is a problem, but that will be addressed below:
#1. What about the waste?
This is one of the first objections one hears in discussions about nuclear power, as if it's some unsolvable problem. In the US, Yucca Mountain was set up as a central repository for nuclear waste which would have been a responsible, long-term solution. The anti-nuclear lobby shut it down. This is a case where the same people pointing out a problem are the ones who created it.
#2. What about safety?
Although failure states for nuclear power plants are scary and spectacular, making news for months or years, the fact of the matter is that they're exceedingly rare and extremely few people have ever died as a result of a meltdown. There have actually been more deaths attributable to solar power from panel installers falling off the roof.
Chernobyl resulted from Soviet nuclear technicians deliberately pushing an aging reactor as far as they could as part of a test. They were trying to induce failure, they just believed they have a means of shutting it down before it got out of hand. As we now know, that wasn't the case.
Three Mile Island has been attributed to inadequate training of personnel who did not recognize the situation as a lack of coolant accident, instead mistaking it for a coolant excess. It is by no means impossible to prevent this, it's just a matter of hiring qualified professionals and paying them enough.
Fukushima was situated on a seismic fault. It should require no elaboration as to why that's a bad idea. Just don't build nuclear reactors in places where earthquakes would endanger their safe operation.
A whopping 40% of electricity in France is generated by nuclear. While France has had some minor nuclear accidents, they were all shut down or otherwise mitigated, and none resulted in meltdown. This proves that widespread nuclear power is not inherently unsafe, and that the risks can be successfully managed.
#3. What about cost?
The principle expense in setting up a nuclear power plant today results from the miles of red tape put in place during the 70s in order to prevent new nuclear reactors from being built. To whit, when former president Obama rolled back much of this regulation and provided 8 billion in subsidies for new reactors, the first two brand new nuclear reactors in many decades began construction.
There is also the cost of waste disposal which was to be greatly mitigated by Yucca Mountain but as discussed earlier, this was shut down by the anti-nuclear lobby. Their goal is not to help nuclear to become safer and cheaper, but to prevent it altogether.
#4. What about renewables?
I have much love for renewables. Certainly they have their place. But they are no replacement for baseload generation, and nuclear is. The cold, hard fact of the matter is that a nuclear power plant will generate reliable, 24/7 electricity for a small fraction the cost of a solar farm and battery bank the size needed to meet the same performance metrics.
Use solar only where nothing else will do the job: On the roofs of buildings. Can't put a nuclear power plant up there. Use wind where nothing else will do the job, namely places with a lot of wind but not a lot of sunshine. Use hydro and geothermal wherever suitable. In all other cases, use nuclear.
Nuclear technology has come a long way since the 70s. There is every reason to believe we can do it safer and cheaper than before. There's literally no good reason not to. The opposition is rooted in unscientific hysteria.
Like being terrified of dying in a plane crash when you're vastly more likely to die in a traffic accident. Or being terrified of mass shootings when they're a tiny slice of overall gun deaths, and a grand total of 1,091 people have died as a result of mass shootings in the entire history of the United States.
You're more likely to die by slipping in the shower than in a mass shooting. However, just like a lie gets around the world seven times before the truth can get its pants on, fear moves people much more readily than reason.
I want to live in the future I was promised as a young boy. That can't happen while people organize to hold it back. Opposition to nuclear power is every bit as misguided as opposition to, say, electric cars. We need a nation that is excited about advanced technologies, not terrified, if our future is going to be brighter than the present.
Stay Cozy!
Nuclear power is racist! (Sorry I'm still laughing, I'll stop in a couple more posts lol).
I knew it! Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches always gave me a strange look...
Now I know the truth!
It’s amazing how long myths like these stay in the public psyche, thanks for doing your bit to educate the masses!
Alex - better you become the president of the country... It's the only way to let people know the value of free energy than risky solutions...
Long Answer - It really wouldn’t work. First off, it isn’t unlimited. I used to think it was a good idea myself before. But medias don’t talk enough on nuclear energy, and so we just think that it’s there running and won’t ever stop. But that’s wrong. Only 30 countries use nuclear energy, and if we continue using the same amount, we will only have enough radioactive material to last us another 60 years approx. So we will run out of uranium, just like we’re running out of oil. Deduction: If the whole world used nuclear energy, not only 30 countries, in a maximum of ten years, we’ll have ran out.
Building enough nuclear power plants would cost a hell of a lot. The cost in 2009 to build a nuclear power plant was estimated at about $9 billion per reactor. Now, nuclear power plants have around 4 reactors. That’s basically 36 billion dollars for plant. Make thousands, or even millions, of these plants and you would explode the global GDP. Many counties don’t even have enough money to build one plant.
Nuclear power plants generate nuclear waste. And we don’t know how to dispose of it because it’s just so dangerous. So what do we do with it? Leave it in giant water tanks for about 10 years, so the worst of the radiation has gone, before burying it and just leaving it there. The only way nuclear engineers have found of disposing of nuclear waste is by flying it into the Sun. We even have nuclear waste recycling programs, which reuses the nuclear waste to extract more energy out of the nuclear waste. But it’s still to radioactive. So nuclear energy isn’t clean.
I just can't stop thinking about you while reading, glad this write up came as a result of arguments, I think from the cost of a nuclear plant and all that the future should be built on sustainable energy not the one we will be so scared about if any seismic triggers occur.
Amen. I want a nuclear-powered future. It's stable, it's very safe today, and it can generate tremendous power. With new technology like fast breeder reactors, nuclear waste may not even be a particular issue in the near future. There is literally no good reason why this is not front and center in the discussion for alternatives to fossil fuels.
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Answer to your title question... nuclear power is freaking expensive mahn, it's not affordable where I come from.
In Europe, it is pretty similar. Many react against nuclear power without proposing any (viable) alternative. On top of that, the research center aiming to find better solutions for the waste issue are under-funded...
Nuclear power is a great idea, by far the most efficient form of generating power and better than using it to build bombs.
The fact that it produces waste which is active for 100s of years I think says more than enough to why we should be cautious with this technology. Also If it is used more, the likelyhood of missmanagement increases and with that the risk of accidents. I live roughly 40 kilometers away from a plant that is in the news regularly because of technical failures. Not something I fancy to be honest. There are many alternatives that we should explore more. I think more effort needs to be made in improving nuclear power technology before going all-in.
I don't agree, but this is a well thought out and composed comment, so I'll upvote it.
Yeah, I guess there will be a lot of disagreement in the comment section of this article :)
Good thing is that people on this platform are very polite! Thanks!
Most of 'em, anyway.
nuclear energy is one of the great energy to be used
There are three primary reasons. The first is the perception that nuclear power is inherently unsafe. That results in fear.
The second reason is that regulatory hurdles for nuclear power are very high. Therefore the cost is very high.
The last reason is that other energy sources are currently plentiful and cheaper.
I’m a huge fan of nuclear in conjunction with solar and wind. Great write up.
On a rough level of numerical comparison, by design nuclear power plants are one of the safest technologies in the world. Because we are yet to see the positive impact of nuclear energy: how it transforms the energy sector of world in a big way, it is ONLY WRONG in public opinion. In a number of countries, this factor has completely decided the future for nuclear energy.
Indeed, well said.
Thanks my friend
The Yucca mtb in Nevada is a mess, no one wants a lot of radioactive waste buried in their state.
They can send it into space as space trash...
People will always remember the disasters you mentioned above.
Corporations like to sell oil and coal to the companies that are burning it to generate energy, hard to stop that when politics are involved. But burning things leads to pollution...
China is building a lot of reactors that last I checked... Uranium is cheap...
In what sense is it "a mess"? Because locals don't want it there?
Because the USA has no place to put the nuclear waste. I can't blame Nevada for not wanting the stuff, even if Yucca mtn is in the middle of 'no where'...
It should just be forced to re-open. We need a nuclear waste repository. Yucca Mountain is perfect. Fearful, misguided people shouldn't be able to prevent that.
Yes I agree with You that We need a nation that is excited about advanced technologies, not terrified......Thank You for share your awesome article.
Yeah you are right that nuclear power can produce cheap electricity and much more than solar power. Yeah less people died as compared to solar power project. But I think solar is used because its easy to generate electricity there as in nuclear power it is complex.
Yes. I totaly feel the future was stolen from me. I want space ships and moon base's. Why are people so adamant about fighting each other?
Interesting to note also is that during the 3-mile-island incident, the worst nuclear disaster to date in the USA, the average radiation exposure to persons within a 10-mile area was 8 millirems - just about the amount of radiation experienced during a typical medical X-ray.
If radiation is the greatest concern, you will typically absorb more by working in a large concrete building. Or eating too many bananas.
Bottom line, its a truly negligible concern given the fantastic amount of cheaply available energy nuclear power generates, combined with the enhanced technology and security gained from 40+ years experience building and maintaining these facilities.
Of course, as with many issues, once fear (or any strong, primal emotion, really) becomes involved in human decisions, we often fail to choose the wisest or most rational course of action.
I am glad you are talking about this. It is the best option at the moment.
May be the nuclear energy costs more than other like solar and wind..and it also effects the atmosphere i guess in my mind.
Short Answer - Nuclear energy is neither unlimited nor clean. It costs a hell of a lot to make one nuclear plant
Because even though it is clean and cheap, it is very volatile, dangerous and can cause damaging radiation to linger for thousands of years after a necular meltdown.
Please read the article, it discusses this.
I am afraid that technology destroys our world.
Not Only You I think Everyone should wanna need a nation that is excited about advanced technologies, not terrified. am i right @alexbeyman ?
This can be a game changer in future if we used it properly.
good post,amazing friend
My country has a department of researching nuclear power! I thought it was waste of time and after reading this, I feel I am correct! This is a small island, so I think by one plant we bring whole country to a grave danger if it fail!@alexbeyman,
i think Nuclear energy is neither unlimited nor clean. It costs a hell of a lot to make one nuclear plant.Every country cant bear these expenses
We need to use more and more of these technologies.
This is amazing concept sir Thanks a lot for sharing sir.
I just can't stop thinking about you while reading, glad this write up came as a result of arguments, I think from the cost of a nuclear plant and all that the future should be built on sustainable energy not the one we will be so scared about if any seismic triggers occur.
oh well, everyone wants to be safe, thats one of the goals of humans