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RE: Are Chemicals Used In Food Packaging Harmful To Human Health?

in #steemstem7 years ago

Hello and thanks for the article, I didn't get to see this problem being taken on here on Steemit before.
I read about it last year and I can already tell you that in Europe there is already a commission or a work group that studies and publishes results of such packaging. Furthermore, I have read a news article earlier this year talking of even more movement in this field. I guess they are an NGO but still, it's interesting to read what they propose (a 6 step action):


That is a laudable objective. The use of plastic in the food industry is a big concern for both the health and the environment.

I have a lot of litigations with the mayor-ship on the terms of breaking the EU laws of recyclables. They prefer to just be fined. I am fighting a losing battle because nobody cares about it, and I have to fill my car with plastic and paper and ditch them in the few public bins, around the city.

Are the bins where you dump it for recyclables? Most awareness on recycling of materials here is solely monetary, as most people gather and sell the used plastics to recycling plants. If you remove the financial incentive, and the littering will go on unabated.

Wow... That's great bro... Thanks for stopping by 😘😘

You wrote the post that brought me here, so it must be your "fault" :)