I think that science is de-humanized, and the general public can't bond to it because it has no face, no personality.
For example:
Scientists from University of Oxbrigde have discovered new FCG84 interacting with MWW74
Girl in the lab, explaining her struggles, thinking, Eureka moments...
There must be some workflow, some story. Some human emotions and "chemistry" to bond with.
Or imagine some guy tagging a bear with the collar.
Or my Tardigrade boss who went to the Antartica to collect them.
It's just a "travel" story ;)
Regarding the style of writing, something I gave as the guide for the local yu-stem branch.
Write simple, but not trivial. That aspect can't be found in mainstream media, and that is our niche
For example, average newspapers: "average salary in Serbia is 423 euro for January..." - pointless info with 500 pathetic words and phrases to make some mass
Put the histogram of salaries, explain average vs median, comment about time series. Show trends... Compare to other countries.
It's still readable for the general public, but it can switch something in their brains and push them to learn some high-school math they forgot.