Thanks to HF20 now I will wait 6 more min before upvoting, because we all know I'm a bot and this is preventing me to abuse whatever I would abuse.
Meanwhile, honourable mentions, why not to shoot long exposures of the Sun
Two more minutes...
Panda vs doughnut
Ok, 15 min. Make Steem 8 again!
Haha very funny...Hopefully I'll have enough RC to reply to you! Regarding frying cameras with the sun I have heard of somebody Autofocusing on the rising sun, with a Canon 200mm f1.8 lens attached. Left quite a mark....
Smell of napalm in the morning vs smell of a burning sensor?
A possible idea for a Youtube channel...telescope/sun vs [insert item] ..what do you think!? Would be more interesting than red-hot knife or hydraulic press vs [item]!