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RE: Storms on Mars and Saturn

Absolutely great images Terry! Chapeau! :-)
I hope the price for STEEM will rise for you until they are powered down.
The high focal length in combination with the small pixels of the QHY183 would be a big deal. What focal length you will get with the Powermate?


Almost 10,000mm focal length, depending on whatever spacing I get, this get's me an image scale of 0.05 arc second/pixel. This would be a bit too high for a mono camera, but because this a color camera you have to compensate 2x for the red and blue channels. Will wait for some addition STEEM buying volume.

That's very impressive. When I think of my 420mm, ... :-D
The arcsecond/pixel resolution is a science. I was told that my 1.92 arc second/pixels are already too much, but I'm very happy with it, and I think it could also be smaller without any troubles. I guess it depends on every part of the setup and it and it cannot be generalized.
I'm very curious about the pictures.