The huge problem for me isn't the danger from the plants (that is very minimized and gets better every year) leaking, but in what's left over.
Where do you store the cores and used rods?
How do you justify heating huge gobs of water in a world where water is becoming ever more precious?
Those are the questions that need to be answered in order to get me on board.
Some advanced reactors are capable of "burning" nuclear waste for more energy which would effectively solve the potential radioactive waste problem. These same reactors can burn nuclear weapons for energy too.
If nuclear technology was fully implemented we could find ourselves living in a world where energy is practically free.
A nuclear power plant produces approximately 25 tons of nuclear waste per year. Sounds a lot at first, but that's like a cube with the side lengths of one meter each. In other words, a relatively small amount in terms of volume.
The storage problem has not yet been solved to the utmost satisfaction, but this is not an unsolvable problem. The castor containers of a German company for storing the burned rods are already extremely safe, only the final disposal has to be taken care of. But as I said, this is not an insoluble problem in my eyes.