Damn, that took me back to school. The only difference, you actually managed to keep my attention! Science sucked for me at school because of teachers with lack luster teaching skills, when somebody creates a piece of writing that is well formatted and easy to keep up with it's a blessing.
Thanks a lot! Some very interesting takeaways and you've spiked an interest in me.
Hope you have a great day buddy, take it easy!
Lots of thanks!
I also have written a little about education(the basic and pre-university one), which is one of my favorite subjects and one of the worst improved fields since the industrial revolution.
I never had a good science teacher to inspire me and I did all my knowledge expanding at home.
I will touch this subject soon, it will be a stingy one!
That sounds interesting. I'll check it out.
Since school, I've been more intrigued with physics, to be honest. When you can study at your own leisure and learn about topics that inspire you the learning curve feels a lot more fun.
I'm looking forward to seeing that post, always great to hear someones learning experiences.