Everytime I am trying something new on steemit, it is a usual habit of me to say thank you @teekingtv for introducing me to this platform. Truly we are motivated to write because of rewards but steemit has made me learn more and broaden my knowledge. In My first post using the steemstem tag, I do like to educate us more on a fruit that plays numerous roles we don't have much ideas about.
Guava commonly referred to as Psidium Guajava (Botanical name),it is an evergreen shrub or small tree in the Myrtaceae family grown for consumption and many other health purposes.
Guava has an oval shape and it color can either be in yellow or green. It has not been a popularly consumed fruit in some parts of the World due to the area it is commonly grown but if you agree with me, it has been a very beneficial fruit to human race. Popular known for its typical fragrance that is kind of similar to lemon but not as strong as the sweet fragrance of lemon.

The benefit of Guava is not just restricted to the fruit itself; from the leaves to the root all has one benefit or the other to human. The fruit is widely consumed in two forms, either taking it raw or processed. I particularly love it processed because I had false knowledge about the fruit seed.
Surprising I discovered it has more vitamin c than orange and many other fruit, it has been tested and proven that Guava gives you more vitamin c than any fruit. It is also a high source of Vitamin A, protein, fiber and folate. Now you know how nutritious this fruit is, the health benefit cannot be sidelined. All this qualities has made Guava one of the healthiest fruit on earth.
Let run through some unbelievable fact about this Super fruit, I didn’t just get addicted even though I can’t get enough of it around me.
Guava hardly contains any fat, so if you thinking of a fruit you can eat regularly without the fear of adding fat; you can try guava out.#fact 1
It is a source of energy, is that not amazing? In the issue of dietary fiber (a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested by our body enzymes) Guava has a healthy composition of dietary fiber which is very important to the body.#fact 2
If not all some are aware of the importance of Vitamin B9 in the body, Guava is a great source of vitamin b9.#fact 3
Apart from these facts, Guava has some outstanding health benefit you need to know. I said earlier that the health benefit won’t be restricted to the fruit itself, my study extends to tree itself.
Wonders of Guava Leaves and Fruit
.The Guava leaves is has beneficial as the fruit it produces but I observed that many can tell you few benefits of Guava fruit but one few can tell the benefit derived from the leaves, the leaves have been treatment for various disease and illness in the world today.
Guava plays protective roles and boosts the Immune System:
the Immune system is referred to the body defense system.

Apart from boosting the immune system, Guava plays some protective role in the body due to the high level of vitamin C in it. How? The respiratory system needs protection and Vitamin C stands to protect it. Guava helps our cells and tissue to remain strong and very healthy..
In addition to protecting the respiratory system, Guava is also a very powerful source of antioxidant in the body that stops negative effect of air toxins we take in through are our respiratory system.
Weight loss:
Guava leaves have the ability to help reduce fat in the body. How? The leaves are dried and made into tea for consumption. It is very simple and less stressful, and I have always been a believer of curing health issues with natural foods. The fruit itself has some properties that make it a choice for weight loss.

Guava is a high satiety food (food that fills the belly for a long period) and it prevents us from consuming junk food that can be disastrous when related to body weight.
Guava is a rich source of potassium that boosts metabolism and energy. Potassium supplies the body with energy for physical activity that is very important is dropping weight.
Guava contains only little quantity of fat which doesn’t pose threat of adding weight to the consumer. As said earlier, it a good choice of food when considering not adding weight.
The fruit and the leaves have a very reliable natural treatment for losing weight or maintaining a balanced weight.
Maintaining a balanced digestive system:
in maintaining a healthy digestive system, daily consumption of guava is a very effective and reliable method. Guava is a perfect source for dietary fiber and this can help in maintaining a healthy digestive system. In addition to this point, Guava supports a healthy bowel movement and prevents constipation.
Controlling the effects of Cancer:
According to test result and researches made by scientist, Guava extracts can prevent the growth of cancer to some extent and might later probably be able to stop the growth one of the World rampant disease “CANCER”. The disease has been vogue I recent years claiming life, it occurs as a result of abnormal cell growth with the potential of spreading to other parts of the body system.Guava contains high level of very strong antioxidants that can counteract the damaging effect of free radicals in the body system.
Maintaining a healthy and beautiful skin:
the human skin reacts to different changes and conditions such as weather, ageing, reaction to creams and so on. Test has proven the ability of guava leaf extract to put an end to acne causing bacteria in the skin.Apart from it antioxidant properties, it also a source of Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory substance that are very beneficial to human body when it comes to maintaining a healthy and beautiful skin. The vitamins present in the fruit also help reduce the fast rate of ageing among humans.
The issue of skin Itching ,Blackheads, acne, black spots and many other skin problems can be handled and cared for with the Guava leaf . in addition the leaf contains antiseptic that kill acne causing bacterial
How can you do this yourself?
Get the guava leaves
Rinse it well
Blend the leaves
Add little water to it while blending
Apply to the affected part and rinse it with water after some time.
Preventing hair loss and promoting Hair growth:
vitamin B is known for its ability of boosting and repair of hair, Guava is a good source vitamin B and applying it to the hair plays a great role in keeping our hair healthy.
How to use Guava for hair treatment:
Get the quantity of leaves needed
Rinse the leaves
Boil it for 10-15 minutes
When it is cool, apply it on your hair
Massage the hair and rinse after an hour or two.
It helps the brain function more effectively:
the brain is a vital organ in the human body and it is important it functions at its very best. Guava is a fruit that has the ability to keep the brain in a good and functioning state.Guava contains vitamins such as B3 and B6 that aids in blood circulation to the brain.

The presence of Vitamin C and antioxidants help to keep the brain in functioning properly.
Potassium in guava aids in maintaining the electrical conductivity of the brain, this is very important for a very good, fast, correct thinking and also a good recalling ability.
Production and Absorption of Hormones:
guava contains copper and this helps it in performing the function of production and absorption of hormones. This regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland. The thyroid disease which starts little to becoming a life threatening disease is trending in the World today. Fortunately anything thyroid problems can be prevented by consuming Guava because of it production and absorption of hormone ability.Guava is capable of handling any thyroid associated problem, the potassium and powerful anti inflammatory properties present in the fruit can help improve thyroid functioning.
Before now many countries use the guava leaf and tree bark for herbs to cure various illnesses but the world today don’t care about the idea of herbs drinking like the days of our forefathers.
To me I believe Guava is economical and it helps us save money. It is true that natural cures doesn’t cost us much and guava has proven it if you understand what I mean. You can blend guava to treat skin disease instead of purchasing expensive anti inflammatory cream and many other instances it saves you a lot.
Question asked by people about guava, Can I eat the seed?

The straight answer is yes; both the flesh and the seed can be eaten. Many have shown concerned when eating this super fruit whether to chew the seeds or not. Guava seeds also contain similar nutrients in the Guava flesh so eating it means you have doubled nutrient.
Uses of Guava leaf
Guava health benefits and nutrition facts
Stopping hair loss with guava
Health benefits of guava
Guava as an anticancer agent
Guava as a boost to the immune system
Am saying a big thanks to steemstem for the opportunity given to steemians to learn and also educate others.
Thanks to this lost, I've just learnt how I can make use of guava as a remedial ingredient for so many health issues. I used to consume a lot of it back then in high school but afterwards, I haven't been having access to it for a while now.
Thank you @captain-tom for giving us this. When my aircraft is ready, you will pilot it. 😂
I am @teekingtv and I write STEM.
Thanks for your comment, I will be very glad to be your pilot. It is going to be a dream come true