Congratulations on a much-deserved #Curie, and thank you for this!! I try NOT to think about "The Three Uncertainties" - the three ways the earth is moving all at once: on its axis, super-fast; on the 24-hour daily rotation; and the 365-day orbit around the sun. A triple f^k fest for the feeble brain (mine). Torment. You gave this way more thought than I ever dared, and I thank you.
The Troublesome Trio:
the eccentricity of earth's orbit, the obliquity of its tilt, and the precession of its axis. Alterations in these three, researchers surmise, may have been responsible for glacial ages in the past, and may bring about dramatic climate changes in the future.
Not that anyone hears me, but climate change is ALREADY HAPPENING, and WILL HAPPEN, no matter what measures we may take in hopes of staving off the changes; what we must do now is PREPARE for the change, not try to head it off at the pass. It is too late for that. As millions migrate inward from the coasts, where will we put them? Infrastructure, cities, roads---climate accords aren't focusing on that, but here I go venting and vociferating. In vain.
Somehow, the uncertainties don't bother me. I think I like the idea that nothing is fixed. As a history student (my undergraduate degree), I tend to take the long view :)).
Thank you so much for your kind words. Research is fun for me, as you can tell--a hobby, like bowling or knitting 😁 My challenge is to share what I learn without boring everybody else.
Hope you have a wonderful, creative 2020. And I wish the same for your delightful pets.