I remember reading the article on the flattened faces possibly resulting from punching over generations, but I'm not sure if I totally buy any of this. It would seem to me that humanity was more shaped by innovation and use of weapons like the spear, at least in my opinion from what I've read, and it seems that the hand could have evolved a tighter grip just to wield such tools of war and hunting.
Don't get me wrong, I love the art of boxing, so this is interesting to me nonetheless.
There's always other opinions and I guess in truth it would be difficult to prove or disprove 100% but isn't that the fun of discussion.? I hate boxing. ;)
The thing I dislike most about competitive boxing is how many times they can be knocked down. Should be one TBI max per fight, lol, some fighters look like they'd be on stretchers and braindead if not for sheer force of will, and it's way too brutal on their brains.