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RE: Motion Sickness : A sign of Good health

in #steemstem7 years ago

Hello, coincidentally since I was a child, I suffer from these two conditions or lack of coordination; I definitely can not read a moving car because I get sick with nausea and with heaviness in my head; I decided not to read while I was in motion in a car; since I did not have an alternative. It is also not easy for me to keep my balance in an vehicle that is in motion if I am standing... Now, there is another situation, I do not know if is the same, and it is being inside of a car that is parked in front of the traffic light and at its side moves another car slowly, I feel a sensation similar to kinetosis, because I think my car moves and also induces discomfort. I must investigate too. Very good your post. Greetings.


Thank God you learnt from the post. Thanks