Renewable Energy Technology Applications - Introduction

in #steemstem7 years ago


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In a quest to share my Engineering knowledge i have gained through trainings, and hands-on experience , i will start writing STEM (Science,Technology,Engineering and Mathematics) articles and my first series will be on Renewable Energy Technologies below:

  • Solar Thermal and Concentrating Power Technologies (Series 1).
  • Photovoltaics and Daylighting Technologies (Series 2).
  • Wind Technologies (Series 3).
  • Geothermal Energy Technologies (Series 4).
  • Biomass Technologies (Series 5).
  • Hydro-power and Ocean Technologies (Series 6).

Each series will have 2-3 parts to keep the articles short, i will use less technical terms for steemians with a non-technical background to follow along.

What are objectives for this series

  1. Understand Renewable energy technologies, their capabilities, constraints and evaluation of the options available for each technology.
  2. Understand the different operating principles of the different Renewable Energy Technologies.
  3. Factors to look for when intergrating Renewable Systems into other or large energy systems.

What is Renewable Energy?

 Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.

What are the motivations for Renewable Energy Technology Implementation

  1. Primary reason is cost savings. With improvements in installation, Operations&Maintenance best practices, Renewable Energy become less expensive.
  2. Reduced environmental emissions of CO2/NOX.
  3. Cushion against volatile fuel prices common in energy escalation rates. Your ytility company will pass along changes to the cost to 'us' customers through the 'fuel adjustment charge' which varies from time to time.
  4. Protection against fuel supply shortage or interruptions of fuel supply by providing a secondary redundant energy supply.

Factors affecting Renewable Energy Implemantation

How do you know 'what' technology is best for your application given your location, site and energy load?

  1. Cost of Energy: If you are located in an area where utility rates are very high, that's a good investment opportunity for renewable energy technologies.
  2. Local renewable energy resources: Solar is rather uniform, but technologies such as wind, hydro need resources that are abundant in other areas and not in others. Under this consider cost of installation and maintenance, what is the efficiency performance and lifetime of that system?
  3. Local and Utility policies:What are the policies (local/national) available , is there need for licences for operation of certain systems? What are the LCA (Life Cost Analysis) policies, and Environmental policies with regards to Renewable Enery Systems? And one important aspect, are there any municipal/county/government or utility incentives(tax rebates etc) for Renewable Energy Projects?
  4. Economice Parameters such as discount rate and escalation rates that are used to adjust life cycle costing analysis to reflect current patterns in energy costs.

Economics of a Renewable Energy Project

A project is cost effective if:

  1. It's a lower cost than the base case of buying utility power.
  2. The project IRR (Internal Rate of Return) is greater than the discount rate.
  3. The savings to investment ratio is greater than 1.


1. Federal Energy Management Program

2. Wikipedia

TUKO PAMOJA "We are One"It won't be fair not to mention the inspiration for writing STEM articles, and writers/engineers like @greenrun have been really inspirational and fellow Facility Engineer @samest and @steemstem for initiating and advancing STEM in Steemit. To the Kenyan community #steemitke @jeanwandimi, @mutimum, @deniskj, @wachera, @njoromuts, @sylviam, @sirkim ,@joel-wandimi,@zippykimani, @stbrians, @mboroto, @y-sandra, thank you team for the support shown far and oneness,




Well put. Congrats. Actually renewable energy is the new wave in town

It actually is, the largest Roof-mounted PV plant in Nairobi will be installed at the Kenya School Of Monetary Studies, works have already begun and it will pave way for larger systems countrywide.

Renewable energies are the way to the future, towards a change in our lifestyle, which will be a healthy change.

With renewable energy, we will have reduced CO2/NOX/SOX emissions from coal power plants leading to improved air quality hence an improved lifestyle, thank you for the comment much appreciated.

Renewable energy is the next big thing in the history of energy and everything. Fossil fule would soon be a thing of the past.

The energy demand will only grow and there is need for sustainable energy sources to meet this increased demand, and am glad a lot is happening in the renewable energy space especially in developing countries where it is really needed.

This looks like it will be a nice overview about the different technologies at the end, looking forward to it!

Glad you appreciate it, will share my knowledge on the technologies. I will definately make the articles worth reading, thank you for taking time to go through it.

Keep STEMing brother. I am sure we'll learn alot from you.

I read part 2 before reading part 1. Great post.

Tuko Pamoja. I will be looking to learn alot from you. Keep up