I was trying to do something similar. Let me know where you got the aasp.txt file. I am not able to see how you pulled out the data using python in the code. It would be helpful for me to know this. Thank you. The SP distribution seems to follow power law. Which means most of the wealth and power is with very few players.. like the usual wealth distribution in US, Russia, India or China. I am really interested in doing analysis like these. I would imagine that a really decentralized system will show a distribution as in Nordic countries.
So first I went through every steemstem distilled since january 14th and copied the list of names (as we list the names of people upvoted by both steemstem and curie)
After that I wrote a quick script that looked through all of the names and listed them alphabetically along with removing duplicates. Then I sent it to another script that downloaded the users account from steem (as shown in my previous post) and calculates their steem power, then it writes it to the file aasp.txt in the form of:
[username] [steem power]
Then with the script I open it up and analyze it statistically. I could have wrote it all into one *.py file but because I wanted to keep the operations modular and didn't want to have to spend too much having to deal with handling command line arguments (and I do not want to redownload the profiles every time it runs) so I just keep separate files.
So I made the aasp.txt file.
N-Person Prisoners Dilemma. I mean theoretically the wealth distribution will limit to an application of Zipf's law, it will not fit perfectly but still, I mean you are right that that has a logarithmic nature to it. A better read on that is the white paper located here but yeah.Wealth distribution on steemit follows <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zipf%27s_la>w"Zipf's law on application to an
Thanks for the detailed reply. I thought there would be some free python library where I can call users and get their wealth. Yeah otherwise it lot of manual work. I had a thought of pulling out all the users' wealth in steemit using a wild card call. I don't think it is easy. 😐. I have to read about the wealth distribution thing, specifically the n person prisoner's dilemma
There is. Steem python
s = Steem() account = input("Enter account to look at: ") sp_per_mv = float(input("Enter current SP per MVest: ")) vs = float(str(s.get_account(account)['vesting_shares']).replace(' VESTS', '')) rvs = float(str(s.get_account(account)['received_vesting_shares']).replace(' VESTS', '')) dvs = float(str(s.get_account(account)['delegated_vesting_shares']).replace(' VESTS', '')) SP = (vs+rvs-dvs)*sp_per_mv/1000000 print("{acc} holds {sp} Steem Power".format(acc=account, sp=SP))
For this program if we were to input dexterdev as the account and using steemd we can get the current Steem per MVest to be
and the output would beEnter account to look at: dexterdev Enter current SP per MVest: 489.859 dexterdev holds 108.02257923179235 Steem Power
There, free code (as soon as you have the library installed to look at the wealth of anyone)
WoW.. I will try this. I may ask you some doubt later 😄.. thanks again. I installed the library. :)