Micro-organisms are minute living organisms which can only be seen with the aid of microscopes.They live in nearly all environments i.e water,soil,food,inside and outside,plants and animals including human beings.Thay vary in size,shape and structure.
There are 5 groups of micro-organisms;Bacteria,Viruses,Protozoa,Fungi and Algae.These minute plants and animals are also known as microbes or germs.Their discovery is credited to many learned scientist, some of whom are Leeuwen hoek,Pasteur,Koch,Robert Hooke,Lister and Alexander Fleming.
-They are used in the fermentation of palmwine and some foods we eat.For example,yeast acts on sugar to produce alcohol and causes dough to rise.Yeast are important source of vitamin B complex.
-The micro-organisms are used in making ice cream(yoghurt),cheese and butter.Good malt vinegar is made by bacteria oxidizing alcohol.
-They are used in production of antibiotics which inhibit the growth of or destroy disease causing bacteria and fungi.
-Tannin of leather;bacteria action is useful in the conversion of hides and skin to leather.
-They cause disease like malaria,common cold,cholera,measles etc.
-Bacteria and viruses also cause disease in plants and animals
-Bacteria and fungi causes spoilage in food.
-They cause spoilage and deterioration of materials examples; textiles,wood,leather and paper.
-Using medicines such as antibiotics chemical substances produced primarily by micro-organisms,that can either kill or inhibit the growth of micro-organism in the human body before they develop to harmful stage.Antibiotics are also used in combating some diseases e.g penicillin,tetramycin,streptomycin are used to combat typhoid fever,dysentery,pneumonia,tuberculosis,syphilis etc.
-By controlling and preventing infectious disease from spreading.For example,people with infectious disease are treated in special hospital called SANATORIUM.Such people may be kept in QUARANTINE where nobody may visit them except those who take care of them.
-By inoculation and vaccination against attack of yellow fever,small pox,cholera etc.
-Preserving food by salting and drying(dehydration) to remove water from the substance thereby preventing growth of micro-organisms.
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