The result obtained from utilising spectroscopy to gain insight into the interior of atom, combined with the discovery of subatomic particles, contrived to overthrow the classical theories of physics. In 1823, the British astronomers and chemist sir John Frederick Herschel suggested that a chemical substance might be identified by examining it's spectrum the discrete wavelenght pattern in which light from a gaseous substance is emitted. As a result , the spectra of the works of the Danish physicist Hans Christians Oersted and French scientist Andre ampere, both in 1819. By 1831, Michael Faraday had put forward his finding electromagnetic induction. These qualitative findings wee finally summarised into a present mathematicalconcept by James clerk in a set of partial differential equation. An unexpected result arising from the solution of the Maxwell equations is the prediction of electromagnetic waves. In 1887, the German physicist Heinrich Rudolph Hertz succeeded in generating such waves by electrical means, thereby laying the foundation for radio, television, and other forms of telecommunications.
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