Nature's Blessing - (Wonder Plant)

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

I could still remember 20 years ago when I was sick of malaria, I was forced to gulp bitter leaf juice down into the belly, even though it was not convenient I had to it. My grannies will say you need it to be well, after few hours I saw myself magically jumping all around the house as if nothing ever happened.

Today I want to share a personal experience with using bitter leaf and how it can change different course in someone's health status.

First, let me use this medium to appreciate the team of researchers that fed me with some useful hints. @mhizcandy @mrgreenjos1 and @DrOdafe for every information given to build this post.

Now, let's take a look at some biological explanations.


Bitter Leaf as is commonly known is a flowering shrub or undersized tree ranging from 3.28ft – 16.40ft approximately (2-5meters). It possesses a petiole with leaves as wide as 0.006m in diameter with a characteristic elliptic shape. Bitter leaves are evergreen throughout the different growing seasons in West Africa with a characteristic smell and it is remarkable for its bitter taste.
[Title: Vernonia amygdalina, licensed]

The botanical name is Vernonia amygdalina, it is said to belong to the family Asteraceae It is well distributed around Tropical Africa, and it is accorded different names based on the origin or place where it was located. See image below for the diverse names.

Bitterleaf is a significant constituent of numerous home cookery mainly in the tropics where it is exploited in the preparation of bitter leaf tea, soups, other dishes and medicinal functions.

Traditionally, bitter leaf is seen as an unprecedented food item that possesses diverse healing functions. In Benin City, Edo State of Nigeria, our “Old men and Women” uses bitter leaf as a special remedy to treat stomach pains, malaria and other health related issues. This is due to the fact that:

  • The plant is easily accessible
  • It can thrive in any locality along the region.
  • Very Cheap to buy.
  • Does not require special care throughout the planting to harvesting stage.

Below are the different names, attributed to bitter leaf from various ethnic groups in Nigeria and other West African countries.
image 11-1.jpg


Treatment of Typhoid and Malaria

[Titled: Untitled document, Source: licensed]
I was able to understand that Bitter leaf contains glucosides, diterpene, andrographolide lactones and flavonoids aids in reducing fever and malaria respectively. Bitter leaf holds a sterile (antiseptic) qualities that is highly efficient in reducing internal heat.

Perfect Cure For Headaches

[Title:Headache flash woman. licensed]

Bitter leaf’s ability to cure tension headache as well as migraine have shown a resounding success over time. I strongly recommend that eating bitter leaf solely can relieve cold and catarrh symptoms.

Anti-Diabetic Properties

[Title:Diabetes Elta The Metre Satellite, Source: licensed]

Someonewith Diabetes can access to the power of Bitter leaf in the reduction of blood glucose. Bitter leaf extract is very useful in the control of diabetes and other blood sugar related issues. Andrographolide is the main active constituent in bitter lower the levels of blood glucose.

Boost fertility

Interestingly I got to know that bitter Leaf possesses detoxifying abilities, and it is able to improve fertility in humans, by enhancing liver and kidney detoxification. Bitter leaf help to eradicate the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is an essential fertility hormone that halts ovulation during conception. This hormone is purge out of the liver and it is recognized for complementary several reproductive hormones.

Anti-Cancer Properties

[Author: Drew hays, Source: CC BY-SA licensed]

The Extract of bitter leaf is one of the few plants with vast anti-cancerous properties; It is particularly displayed to be helpful in the management of trophoblastic tumor, lung tumor and hydatidiform mole which was the forerunner of tumor. Bitter leaf extract helps to prevent liver diseases, boost the immune system, act as an anti-cancer agent.

Some research suggests that the bitter leaf plant can also inhibit tumor growth, as well as gastric cancerous cells and breast cancer.

My Procedures:

  • Extract the bitter leaf juice and store in a gallon or jug.

  • Store in a cool dry place.

  • Take a glass cup morning, afternoon and evening.

  • You can also Combine bitter leaf juice with turmeric.

Tumeric contains Curcumin, a substances that exist in the bitter andrographolide and is capable of forming a synergistic formula to curing cancer.

Controls High Blood Pressure

[Title: High blood pressure is the silent killer, Source: licensed]

Grand daddy use to drink bitter when he had High Blood Pressure. He will normally say to me this is the best way of controlling High Blood Pressure.

I have discovered that Bitter leaf possesses the ability to regulate blood pressure levels. Bitter leaves effect on blood pressure regulation is rather more outstanding and has been used traditionally as far back as the origin of the early men.

Clinically, studies have shown from analysis the impact of Bitter leaf on Low density lipoproteins (LDL) as well as High density Lipoprotein (HDL). The studies revealed that Bitter leaf is able to decrease bad body fat (LDL) by half, increasing at the same time the good fat (HDL) cholesterol levels.

Inclusively, the elevated quantity of potassium found in plants is closely associated to the plants capacity to regulate blood pressure levels respectively.

Fixes Gastro intestinal troubles

[Tile: Intestines Bowels Gut, Author: vector graphics, Source: licensed]

From time in memorial, Bitter Leaf have been a focal point in resolving digestion related problems. It is useful in the control, regulation and management of gastro-intestinal troubles resulting from bacterial infestation of our foods. Example of this Gastro-intestinal troubles, includes Bacillia Dysentry caused by Shigella species.

Notably, bitter leaf juice have proven successful in preventing the growth and explosion of numerous microorganisms.

Examples includes Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

Chimpanzees also uses bitter leaf to treat parasites and gastro intestinal inconveniencies


[Title: Pregnant Mother Body, Source: pixabay.con licensed]
Bitter leaf is significantly important in boosting the probability or likelihood of pregnancy in women. It helps to strengthen the antibodies in the human body, by preventing the pollution or contamination of these antibodies, fight diseases and instigate tissue repair and restoration.

It also boost-up the ovarian fertilities, premature ovarian failure eradicate ovarian cysts, repair unusual or unbalanced menstruation.


Bitter leaf functions and health benefit are rather inexhaustible, other health related benefits includes:

  • Treatment of Diarrhea
  • Treatment of Typhus Disease
  • Overcomes Itching
  • Treating Appendicities etc.

Side Effects

  • it is important that you discuss with your doctor before using Bitter leaf if you have any heart condition.
  • There are no side effects as relating to pregnancy.
  • Allergic individuals to bitter leaf can expect allergic reaction anytime they use the plant


public health Ng



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