Great Men of history indeed. Unfortunately, some of them were robbed of the recognition of their onerous contributions. History isn't fair at times.
@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities
Great Men of history indeed. Unfortunately, some of them were robbed of the recognition of their onerous contributions. History isn't fair at times.
@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities
I disagree here. Poincare and Heaviside proposed gravitational waves. Einstein predicted them through within his theory. No one stole anything. Moreover, in science, one always relies on the work of others. There is no way to restart always from scratch.
This is a very convincing point of view. I was about agreeing with @eurogee when I saw this. Thanks for the clarification.
STEM contributor@sciencetech
Thanks for seeing also my point :)
This is so true. No one generates his/her ideas out of a vacuum.
It is more like a giant pyramid of mathematicians and scientists with the most recent ones one top being supported by the earlier ones below.
Which one are you? :D
History is written by the winners, after all