You may not have realised it, but you currently have extremely powerful and untested pharmaceuticals in your mouth.
In the early 2000's, Scientists discovered that rat saliva contains sialorphin, which is also a powerful pain killer. They then began to wonder if human saliva also contained something of that nature as rats are in many ways analogous to humans.
Opiorphin which is found in the human saliva has been known to have painkilling effects six times stronger than morphine. Opiorphin works by stopping the normal break up of enkephalins, natural pain killing opiods in the spinal cord. Opiorphin is a relatively simple molecule consisting of a five amino acid polypeptide, Gin-Arg-Phe-Ser-Arg.
Opiorphin pentapeptide originates from the N-terminal region of the protein PROL1 (proline-rich, lacrimal 1).Opiorphin inhibits three proteases: neutral ecto-endopeptidase (MME), ecto-aminopeptidase N (ANPEP) and perhaps also a dipeptidyl peptidase DPP3. Such action extends the duration of enkephalin effect where the natural pain killers are released physiologically in response to specific potentially painful stimuli, in contrast with administration of narcotics, which floods the entire body and causes many undesirable adverse reactions, including addiction liability and constipation.In addition, opiorphin may exert anti-depressive and antipanic action.
Opiorphin is a potent yet non-addictive analgesic without drug tolerance effects. Therapeutic application of opiorphin in humans would require modifying the molecule to avoid its rapid degradation in the intestine and its poor penetration of blood-brain barrier.
Scientists compared rat reactions on opiorphin and on various quantities of morphine. They made a bed of not so sharp nails and watched the rat attempt to walk on it. It turned out that the rats needed six times more morphine to a dose of opiorphin in order to walk comfortably on the bed of nails.
Why Isn't Opiorphin Used As An Alternative To Morphine And Its Likes?
This is because Opiorphins are easily degraded in the plasma.
Morphine can easily be obtained from plants and easily induces its action by binding to opioid receptors and then it immediately induces analgesia.
Sadly, morphine tolerance happens very often and this calls for using higher doses of morphine which increase its liable side effects
Opiorphin has none of the side effects but because of the fact that it is easily degraded in the human body, its use isn't recommended yet for the clinical setting. Scientists are working hard and researching daily, hoping to find a way to perfectly modify the molecules of Opiorphin in order to harness its great properties as this will help curb all the hectic side effects of narcotics.
Thank you for reading.
Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section.
All image sources are stated in the text.
Wow...nice writeup
Very inspiring for newbies like myself
Looking forward to more from u
Awesome, thank you so much for stopping by, cheers and steem on!
That is really new information for me. Scientist should concentrate on this to make a way to stabilize it for using in medical sector.
Oh yes... i was amazed myself, Scientists are working hard on it, some new Opiorphin tests will be carried out on humans next year, i read a little bit about it while i was doing my research, thanks for stopping by.
Well done dear, this is a great information, a detailed and well researched work. Keep it up
Thank you so much for the kind words and for stopping by. Steem on!
That's somewhat amazing. How did you come across this? Are you taking biology classes, or do you work in the health field? What a cool find.
I'll try to snag an upvote for you from @originalworks.
Indeed it is an amazing finding, i happen to work in the medical sector so i am facinated by all things medicine.
Interesting isn't it?
I just hope the scientists are able to stabilise it so we can properly utilize it and reap all its benefits.
Thanks for stopping by!
To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!
Did you seriously site THIS article as a source for itself?!
Is the source "A Natural Pain Killer"
Oh my God, I did not do this on purpose, i promise you. I only just realised this. I'll never site this article as a source. Never ever. Am sorry and I'll esit this right now.