Wine, what a drink am i right? Although i am not a heavy drinker not am i a drinker in general, i enjoy once in a while a great glass of whine or a bottle! Today i wanna dive a bit deeper into the world of wine and try to give you answers to a question that concerns a lot of people and that question is whether wine is good or bad for your health, but before we analyze that question let's learn a thing or two about the history of wine. Don't forget to read it drinking a glass of wine!
History Of wine
The history and discovery of wine is extremely old and goes back to 4100 B.C were the oldest winery was found in Ancient Armenia testing chemically some jars and vessels, finding Malvidin that is considered the best chemical indicator of red wine. In general there are many countries that made use of wine since the ancient times and some of them are China, Iran, Greece, Georgia, Italy (Sicily, Rome in that era), Egypt but let's take a closer look at some of them!
Ancient Egypt was a superpower for about 1500 years and in those years wine skyrocketed. As you may know they used records of their business trades so that's how we know a lot about them and the wine ofc. Except the fact that they have made a red like grape wine that due to it's color looked like blood and used in their ceremonies they also imported a lot of wine from Lebanon (wine that pharaoh's drank) and from trades with Greeks,Jews and Phoenicians.
Ancient Greeks ''mastered'' the art of wine-making and even dedicate a god to it. The god Dionysus is basically the god of wine and festivity and myths come along his name. Also the Greeks did a pretty good job at spreading wine into the whole world as when they grew into a superpower they were one of the top trading spots and when they conquered a new land they carried wine and grapevines with them that used it as farming materials to the new promising lands!
Rome conquered Greece and basically most of the things they do either is architecture, god worshiping or wine are inspired by Greece. As they grew stronger and expand to the rest of Europe wine spreads too. Then they adopt Christianity and wine earned the number one spot not only in Europe but in other areas of the world too.
All in All that is the whole history and the main factor that lead to this vast spreading is the wars and conquest that took place either this is called Spanish in America or Catholics in Japan. After all the wars the boarders open as well as trading and economies and it's only natural wine to have the spot it now has .
Is Wine Healthy or Not?
The Answer is Yes and No
The main reason behind this is the quantity of wine you are drinking. In general alcoholic drinks aren't the best option for our health as they can cause cancer as well as depression, liver issues, brain malfunctions, Diabetes and increased body weight but let's look the bright side and learn how wine can help us and in what quantities!
Wine's Anti-Aging power
The whole big deal is that red wine and i repeat RED wine can be helpful against heart diseases and that's happening cause of Resveratrol an antioxidant and phytonutrient that can be found on the skin of red grapes, red wine and in case you are wondering yes it can be found to white grapes and wine but in low quantities. Resveratrol is said to have anti-aging effects protecting us from free radicals (unstable molecules that take any electron they find around resulting in destroying our system's balance) and cancer.
It can also help against atherosclerosis and bad cholesterol because of it's anti-inflammatory activity. According to studies on animals resveratrol has a positive result in blood insulin concentration and secretion as well as decreasing problems that may occur with nerves and heart in diabetic people. Think of it like this, there is a molecule called Sphingosine Kinase and another called Phospholipase D. that trigger inflammation.Inflammation isn't a bad thing as it is produced by our system to fight back and protect us from harmful viruses but if the inflammation process is a constant thing then our body ages faster and tissues destroyed so with resveratrol this whole thing can be limited and obtain some ''boundaries''.
Wine Helps Our Brain
A New study shows for the first time that red wine can actually help our brain by clearing the toxins out. This is happening in the Glymphatic system the system that is responsible for that particular reason and the ''usual'' suspect is once again the antioxidants the red wine has. The experiment happened in mice and we had 3 teams. the first one was the one with high alcohol levels and as you may guess soon enough issues in the cognitive and motor abilities came forth as well as high levels of inflammation.
The unique and amazing thing is that between the ones that exposed in low levels of alcohol and the ones that had no alcohol involved in their diet had the exact same effects on motor and cognitive controls but the low alcohol ones had less inflammation and the whole cleaning the waste progress was more efficient!
The Other Side Of The Coin
Although for the time being none argues with the brain research there are some different opinions in the Resveratrol matter that even though in mice the results are good, in humans we don't have any real proofs yet especially if people consume resveratrol substances. The whole story started with the French Paradox in which we have the French diet full of croissants, cheese and stuff that cause heart diseases along side the wine consumption they had and as a result their heart diseases rate were low.Some scientists argue that there are many other factors that may be responsible for that and use as their primary argument the Japanese that despite drinking no wine but beers and clean spirits their heart disease rate are even lower than French.
My personal experience on that matter even though i am not a scientist is based on a line the Ancient Greeks used to say
Μέτρον Άριστον (Metron Ariston)
The meaning behind that saying is to have and maintain a balance to everything either this is called food, exercise or life. If you go above or below the limits of balance then you gonna have issues. Wine isn't the exception as if you drink a lot then you gonna face addiction,heart,brain,motor problems or you gonna get drunk and who knows what you gonna do in that state, from dying and killing others to just sleep in the park. On the other hand having a balance at your drinking and let's say consume 1 glass of wine per day then not only you won't have issues you gonna help yourself too!
Choose wisely
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Being A SteemStem Member
I was raised near Bordeaux with a mother that is a wine taster. Everyday, super wines at the table, usually 2 or 3 because we would be carrying out blind tasting (she loved to teach us a few tips and tricks in oenology).
Then I went to live for a few years in Japan, continued drinking wine over there (moderately), and got really into the local food. Now ten years later, I still eat Italian pasta with chop sticks lol!
The point I want to denounce is the scientist using the fact the Japanese drink beer instead of wine (which is totally true) invalidates the French paradox. Japanese food is very healthy, much healthier than French food... Thus they cannot compare the two to deny wine consumption as a factor in a lower heart disease rate.
ahh i see your point and it seems really valid. Although i don't know the exact methodology and by that i mean if the scientists made the assumption without checking the same quantities of the 2 different dies and compare them by nutrition. If it was just an assumption without an actual test then you are more than right!
Good post! Do you want to know something else I found out about a reason wine can be unhealthy? A lot of modern wine has a lot of sulfates, unless you get high quality...and the sulfates can have a bad negative reaction!
maybe you mean sulfites?
Hello @filotasriza3 i agree with you that a balance in everything is the healthiest option. Wine can be beneficial to the brain and the heart when taken in the right amount.
[note: would love to upvote this post. I took seriously your advice to check my voting value. Sadly, it has not recovered. But I’ll upvote this post when it recovers. Thanks again.]
thanks a lot for the comment and don't worry about the upvote part, your comment is more valuable to me!
Thank you so much @filotasriza3 😀 i appreciate your kindness and also your advice. Hoping to learn more here in steemit
your welcome and in general if you want to ask me anything go ahead and do so, don't be shy! Janice has become in such a sort amount of time an expert though :P so she knows a lot too!
Thanks again!😀😀
..As I only read the heading, I was thinking about "wine", the not-windows-emulator for linux.. lol but real wine is also fine xD
Good to know that red wine is good against heart deseases, free radicals and cancer - red wine tastes much better than white wine to me, anyhow :)
thanks for your comment, ye i like red wine better too!
i guess it all depends on what kinda wine you're drinking as well as how much. some people are born with dna that can't tolerate any form of alcohol, so there's a lot of factors. as for me i used to be a heavy drinker a few years ago. now i enjoy wine or beer maybe every month. the right amount is good for your mental health 😃
I hate those with tolerance in alcohol i want that too! :P
Always been more of a beer kinda guy... Might serve my heart some good to start switching it up a little. Could help to undo all the cigarettes haha
it's worth a try and try to minimize the cigarettes!!
What an interesting post from historical to fact really love this as it is just too educative. Thanks @filotasriza3
thanks for noticing the history-fact thing!
Kernas erxomai... pino akoma kai gia proino...xaxaxa ..plaka kanw :ppp
Ειχα ακουσει για τις ευεργετικες ιδιοτητες του κρασιου και απλως αυτο το αρθρο τις επιβεβαιωσε, το βασικο ειναι να μην ξεπερναμε το οριο, αυτο που γραφεις, παν μετρον αριστον, πολυ καλη δουλεια!!!
an k auto bash ereunon amfilegomeno einai meta9i epistimonon alla sxedon ta pada amfilegomena einai :P
euxaristo gia to comment!
Γι'αυτό μ'αρέσει το κόκκινο κρασί, το πίνω για να μην γεράσω χαχαχα. Μια παρατήρηση απλώς, νομίζω ότι η σωστή φράση είναι μέτρον άριστον και όχι παν μέτρον άριστον δηλαδή όχι κάθε μέτρο είναι αριστο αλλά το μέτρο είναι άριστο.
Ναι δικιο εχεις μετρον αριστον ειναι το σωστο ( τοσα χρονια το ηξερα λαθος :P )
I really need to get myself a bottle of wine now haha! Thanks for the interesting introspect into why wine is good for you. Of course, moderation will always be important in any lifestyle choices. I don't know why but whenever I drink wine, I can feel that my hair gets softer. I wonder what causes that.
from what i have read they say that red wine can help with hair growth as it circulates the blood so overall it helps the hair but i don't know if it's a fact or assumption.
Thanks for your comment
Διαβάζοντας το άρθρο σου ήθελα να σου γράψω " Μέτρον άριστον" αλλά με πρόλαβες :P
hahaha :P
Hm. I think, I have to disagree with your claimed health benefits. As you correctly pointed out, the conducted studies were mainly done with animals, especially mice. This is something, which was 2013 already criticized by Lachenmeier et al.
Therefore they close with:Furthermore they stated:
I'm not suggesting, you should stay away from alcohol at all - if you like the taste and feeling, go for it. I do like a nice glass of whisky or wine myself. But you should keep in mind, it's probably quite unlikely, that it benefits your health in any way.
hehe i don't claim the health benefits especially the resveratrol ones. I just stated both sides and why they think it either helps or not. The brain benefit study is in my opinion something to be checked as it is a study that is relatively new and published yesterday so it may prove to be true or at least be ''true'' till someone else bust the myth.
I don't disagree with any of what you said and also i wanna point out that if somebody wants to drink alcohol badly and at the same time being as healthy as he can then except the balance levels he/she should look the nutrition or the pros and cons of each drink!
Πολυ ωραιο αρθρο!! Αν και ειναι εύκολο να χασεις το μετρο πίνοντας το,εχεις κανει πολυ καλη δουλεια! ☺
Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ!
A glass of red wine is what I usually have with my dinner, since I know of its benefits!!
And as you said "Παν μέτρον άριστον" ☺!Great post @filotasriza3!
haha then you know what you are doing!
Thanks for your comment!
Really interesting! well done post and very informative!
thanks a lot!
eviva koumpare!
Thanks for the educative post...
your welcome!
Nice owo
I remember that I read about ancient Romans and Greeks using wine to make water safer to drink. Supposedly water in the larger cities wasn't sanitary so they mixed water with wine, as alcohol in wine killed some of waterborne diseases.
you are completely right, adding wine to water was the best option to keep the water clean and ofc they could drink more before getting drunk! :P