Amazing post @crazy-facts, this info will for sure be very valuable on future missions to the moon including people.
Even if they take with them all the water they need just to be safe, they might be able to set up some kind of equipment for water extraction and purification, so that they have a stable supply when going back.
And if we want to have more permanent bases on the moon, making use of this water would surely be essential to succeed.
Thank you very much for writing this article, and the work that went into it, and stay awesome.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks a lot my friend, @flaxz! I really appreciate the valuable time you have taken out for reaching my post and commenting.
Your comments really brings positive vibes inside me. It makes me motivated to work more harder on my post.
Moreover, highly sophisticated machineries will be required for extracting water from the soil of Moon. Who knows just like the plan for colonization the Mars, someday in future we might go to the Moon for spending our vacation! ;)
Posted using Partiko Android