I have seen a lot of comments concerning quality and one thing keeps coming to my mind, what exactly defines quality? For example, I am a plant specialist who could author a good quality post on plant which will not pique your interest because you don't understand jack about plants.
Quality when it comes science is relative and can only genuinely judged by specialists in each field.
Not necessarily true. What you are referring to is only one point. There are many generic qualities which constitute a 'quality' piece of writing.
Any article can have these qualities, regardless of the topic. The trouble is that most people are not willing to put such effort and give attention to detail. It's all slap-dash, post, give me my money.
Just because a post has a few references in the bib, does not mean that it's of high quality.
Although I fully understand the idea, we have no time for that. We take that into account when we decide how strongly we will vote for a post, but I will never spend time on writing a dedicated review on why we vote in this or that way. This is wasaaaaaaaay too much work.
But don;t worry, we will find out a solution. Thanks for trying to help ^^