Interesting write-up. I think you meant to type ailment here
medicinal uses as is it is used to cure some alignment in ancient traditional
I would have love to see published scientific research on some of the claims in your article. Especially the ones bordering on the heavy metal and toxicity content of placenta. Also, I think your article is a bit biased towards anti-placentophagy. I would have love to see more concrete argument in favour of this practice, especially if there are literatures to back them up.
Apart from consumption, I think there are several positive uses the placenta could be put to? I think I have heard of placental treatment for some injured football players. Are these practices scientifically proven or they are just pseudo-medicine stuff?
Of course it's anti-Placentophagy, it's not an argument per say, it's an orientation for the rising percentage of new born mothers consuming it. Like stated, there are no scientific backings for the benefits of consuming it, CDC warns against it as stated in my references.
For sportsmen, they don't consume the placenta, it's used externally without ingesting it and i know footballers use Horses Placenta.
The Chinese really have some weird practices but sometimes and as a scientist, I like to give them the benefit of the doubts and explore the scientific possibility of some of their claims. That's why I made the comment above.
Can you please correct the mistake I pointed out in my earlier comment?
Oh yes I did already, thanks for pointing that out I really appreciate, not many people read blogs anymore like you do mate🙏🏾
The Asians generally fascinate me, I wish I could just immerse myself in studying their culture/medicine/shaolin as a whole.