If a much deserved break is what is needed to refresh and find time to think about how to restructure, to make the next phases easier for everyone, then go for it and enjoy! You all deserve a holiday, ready for a nice summer time flow i hope!
But please consider really hard if thinking to quit as I think after all the efforts and the achievements so far, it would be a massive shame to see it all crumble and divide just because things got to much. This should be a happy experience doing things you love. If you end up feeling shit every day because the thing you love isn't working, then you must grab the bitch and tell her what you need to make things work, and find a way to compromise with others by talking to each other, non emotionally as possible, and just figure out what would make things more enjoyable and less pressured for each person and how can you make that work between you.
Do you really need to spend so much time on here if it's affecting your life? If not, how many hours would you be happy doing, or what days would you like off every week? Can the community understand and survive without you for those days? Who is available to be around if youre not? what part of the job do you dislike, and can someone else happily do it instead if you trade them to work on something they dislike? etc, all this seems to need a nice healthy discussion with everyone involved, and some time to think about any ideas to make plans for phase 2 of growth.
That is how empires survive. And you guys have done amazing at building such a good,valued empire. Despite how shitty things can get sometimes you still made it so far!
You gotta think of your castle and the land it owns, and you gotta find ways to defend it and keep everyone alive and happy. And when i say you, i mean everyone who is part of steemstem and it's community. That's the beauty of a community. You will argue, cry and wish it was "dead" but like any family, you all just carry on anyway, because in the end theres always a lot of love and good ideas and deeds being done, and that's what life is about.
I hope you guys figure out what you can and want to do, then just let everyone else know and we can all adapted accordingly, or even offer help if there are shortfalls in places. I dunno cos i dont know enough bout the ins an outs... but point is, be happy! and dont let good ideas go to waste. (just found out Stephen Hawkin died today :( We are one amazing brain down in this world where many are dumb and stupid, we need all the good brains doing as many good things as possible to keep ahead of the wars against stupid)
But i guess the most important thing right now is HAVE A LOVELY HOLIDAAAY! (but please do come back and keep trying :D )
Just to make it clear: we are not quitting (at least for now). We just want to find ways to have the community engaging a little bit more. We have ways in mind. Let's see how it goes (we are currently already starting implementing them).
Good to know, Interested to see what gets conjured up :D
I think it is wise to wait for 2-3 weeks before concluding anything, but things are going in the right direction so far :)