Our social systems of now and the past are at the forefront of my interests at the moment, it's a fascinating web with all the answers to a better future already hidden and scattered throughout our history, we all just need to know where to look and read and how to interpret different cultures. But as you said, it's about how all the different people interpret things and so we have and will always have a long way to go to get the that ideal harmony existence.
But technology has caused our evolution to rapidly progress compared to most other aspects of nature. It seems the mind evolves on a daily basis, and quickly so in these modern times. Evolution for humans is no longer about breeding... well, it is a bit, but the changes we make as a species are an every minute of every day occurance by the same people that were alive the day before. It's beautiful indeed to be alive in this time in space :D
Also I listened to a guy called Niall Ferguson on the news the other day and he seems to be on the ball about this stuff, he haswritten a book called "The Square and the Tower" I have it on my shelf but havent yet had a chance to read it but it looks like it will be a very interesting read! I would recommend it to you based on my feelings, and they're hardly ever wrong ;)
Another interesting post as usual :) Nice one
I delayed my response to until the next part was finished, which I think you might enjoy.
Thank you sincerely for the brilliant comment and support:)Hi @grottbags!
I look forward to reading more from your brain! :D