"According to this site, teledildonics refers to a technology designed for remote sex or more precisely, remote mutual masturbation, where tactile stimuli is transmitted between the participants with the aid of specialized gadgets."
In today's world, infidelity can almost be said to be commonplace as a result of several factors. One of these factors is distance between individuals in a relationship. There is a saying in the Nigerian Pidgin which goes thus "Body no be firewood". This is talking about how people can only hold sexual desires for a certain period of time. Eventually, an individual would have to release all the sexual energy they have been bottling up. As a result of long distance relationships, individuals might be moved to derive sexual pleasure from other sources.
With Teledildonics, this does not have to be the case. Partners can regularly quench their sexual thirsts, thereby granting each other sexual pleasure. A remotely controlled vibrator, dildo, etc can be quite helpful in this aspect, helping the individuals achieve sexual pleasure.
Presently, sex dolls are really hitting the headlines and almost everywhere you go, you hear people talking about sex dolls. Sex dolls which are designed to be transmit tactile sensations to a remote user, meaning that individuals can have sex with the dolls in various locations and get the sensations in real time.
And there is also the matter of cyber sex. Rather than engage in the early forms of cyber sex such as sex chats, phone sex, etc. Individuals can employ teledildonics in developing emotional connection through sex, through the internet. Several online webcam services and even some sex toys have had teledildonic technology integrated into them.
Most people would agree that in sex, nothing beats physical contact however, teledildonics aims to change all that. Like I always say, the future would be a really interesting place to be, although now, I have to admit that it would be weird. Sex might end up becoming like something we saw in the 1993 movie, "The Demolition Man"
- https://gizmodo.com/teledildonics-the-weird-wonderful-world-of-social-sex-1516075707
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teledildonics
Is quite funny but you are right.. But sincerely speaking, each time I see how real those sex dolls are, I remember all those futuristic movies like i-robot, chuckie and the rest.. I pray those dolls don't end up like them... Especially "chuckie" bcos that body wey know be firewood, go turn to plywood this time.. 😂
Lol...several ladies are using the Chuckie scenario. Those innocent dolls are being faced with heavy criticism.
Leave our Nigeria women... Fear they catch them now... They are lucky the cost of that doll is enough to pay 3 people's bride price. If not "shakara" 4 end 4 we country..
In the long run, person no go pay for hair o, no food, no christmas clothe and stuffs. The thing wan be like say him make sense.
The world is changing and it changing fast, sex dolls are just the beginning
Let's see how it would turn out.
Sex might end up becoming like something in the 1993 movie, "The Demolition Man"
i haven't really watch the movie though but with the emphasis i believe it not something interesting i guess.
but in my own point of view
with all this things happening it can only be attributed to the end of times
i wonder how humans kind the replace sexual inter cost that was ordained by God with a mere technology,
the ad-vast effect of this is that reproduction is going to suffer a lot set back as people will no longer be interested in having sex from the opposite
but whatever i don't think artificial stimulative sex can be replace with natural sex between a real man and a woman
do show me some love by following and upvote @oliverwilliams
Sexual Intercourse isn't even necessary for procreation anymore.
Yeah you have point