
Hey there, thanks for the nice words.

Well, if you check Episode 3, you will learn that Neptune (and Uranus) probably have an ocean of liquid diamond surrounding their core. As for Jupiter and Saturn, it's also possible , but less likely as their carbon content is much lower. As for the core itself, I doubt it will be a huge diamond, I'de bet more for a metallic core.

Yeah DeBeer are real abusers! Actually, during my research I realised that the cheapest way to mine space diamonds would be to set foot on asteroids. Yet, it is still very expensive, much more than the price of the diamonds you could bring back. But you never know, some have got their eyes on the idea. If you want to become the first trillionaire of human history, develop a way to go there, mine and get the ore back for cheap.

Maybe Space X have got a research team looking at that, and they are probbly not alone...