Really good thing that you try to support interesting texts which try to communicate science related topics.
If I will compete? Lets see ... I still hesitate as so far I consider steemit as pure free time and fun only. In life there are so many "competitions" anyway. :)
I am also not sure how detailed things should be presented. I guess that many readers actually prefer texts which are not too long and full of details.
But yes, great that you offer this!
And one question: One would have time until Sunday evening (any US time zone?) to submit it?
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Yep, just submit including the indicated tag (it doesn't have to be the primary tag, just one of the 5 you use). Any time before Sunday 23:59 UTC.
Concerning the length of the post, anything is fine. It is up to you.
I feel I should (try to) contribute something as I really like this platform. Unfortunately the last days turned out to be very stressful (so far during the whole week I couldn't write anything interesting here; science or not). Maybe at the weekend I will attempt to write something - and if not possible I will try to contribute something to future competitions at least. :)