
It is obvious that the things created by men are not 100% perfect. It may have some errors but on the other hand technologies make our life easier.

Yes, I agree. There are always pros and cons and it is up to us, whether the technology is beneficial enough. And I strongly believe that GMO plants are very beneficial technology capable of improving lives of many.

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"I think that the ability to create plants with new properties can drastically improve lives of many – mainly those in need of food or nutrients. However, current usage of GMO plants does not meet the great possibilities that this technology can provide."

I completely agree. I just wrote an article about this as well, and will be adding a comment to link people over to your post! You can check it out if you are interested. Thanks

Going to check your article right away! And thank you as well! :)

Great written article
There is some good, but mostly bad for profit
GMO crops are polluting Mother Nature. Mother Nature always wins.
Where does that leave us?

I agree that the use of GMOs for profit is not good, like with almost any use of technology with the aim to only increase profit. And I believe that the future will be different, that such technology will be used to help others - and not simply for profit!I am glad you liked it @lacostas! :)

Btw, I checked your profile and like your articles about gardening, or that one about bat house! I am no farmer, but in my free time I like to plant some flowers and do stuff in garden. Going to follow you and looking forward to your future articles! :)

Thank you

The production of transgenics represents a danger to the natural biodiversity of the treated plants and animals, since genetic manipulation could alter ecosystems, causing irreversible damage, even reaching such a degree as to cause possible extinction.

It should be considered under what parameters these practices are feasible, without prejudice to the natural balance of plant and animal species, beyond commercial purposes.

Yes I agree GMO plants and all organisms might be a risk to environemnt and biodiversity. However, we can create them in such way that they for example will not be fertile - thus preventing the "contamination" of ecosystem. But yes, we should be cautious. I think that with all that is going on all around the world - deforestation, global warming, pollution - GMO plants are actually quite harmless in comparison.

I hear about some farmer adding dangerious things to food is it true?

Well, I have no idea to be honest! :D

But question number 1 - Why? Why should he put dangerous things into food? People will stop to buy his products if they prove to be dangerous. It makes no sense for the farmer, right? If he is not a mad evil supervillain that wants to destroy the world with deadly carrots!

And question number 2 - How could he add something dangerous to the crops? Yes he might use some fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc. but that does not make the crop a genetically modified organism. Yes, use of dangerous pesticides and herbicides has proven deadly in the past, that is true.

thank you for this post, but is it safe for human health!

I am glad you liked it! Well, there are debates whether it is safe or not - using and consuming GMO plants. But I think that the future will give us the answer for sure. :)

Thanks for information.

I am happy you liked it! :)

What to do something like disassembly?
This is a very good post.

Happy steemit .

I think the problems with GMO plants are widely the same as traditional breed plants. You can create plants that impact our live in positive but also negative way, for instance the yellow rice but on the other hand not self-reproducingable plants, so the farmer has to buy seeds every year.

But that could also be achieved with traditional breeding, wouldn't it, but it would be more difficult.