Hello my dear Steemians, I want this time to bring to the blackboard, a theme that I'm sure you're going to like it, ecause I think it has its degree of controversy, since in the world there have been wars because of this matter, countries have been sanctioned, and for cause of that ?. The nuclear energy. We know of this that it is economical, and at the same time very dangerous, in terms of the disposition of the waste that this generates, it is also a matter of care who has a reactor in his country.
Currently there are countries that have nuclear programs, which to this day have been beneficial, for their communities, that are immersed in this world of energy Atomic, and you generate certain questions, to see the benefits that it generates. And we ask ourselves, what is nuclear energy? What is the process that is carried out for Acquire this controversial energy, what are the cares that you have to have? Where is it coming from ?, they are just a group of questions, which he expected to be able to answer, and satisfied their needs for wisdom in this subject. In order to understand more deeply this topic we must be able to understand and manage the basic concepts of this, exciting subject.
I hope to share throughout the development of my research, the emission of power understand this complex topic, I do not think I can explain everything in a single post, that's why name this publication Understanding Nuclear Energy part # 1.

What we see in this picture, is a nuclear power plant, maybe we are a little familiar, at least with its large chimneys, which at some point in our children we could see an episode of the Simpson XD.
But the reality is that a nuclear power plant is much, much more complex than we think.
Basic concepts
What is the atom?
The atom, is the smallest unit of matter of a chemical element, and contains in itself, the properties of the aforementioned chemical element, the atoms are very small, the most common sizes, are around 100 pm (ten billion parts of a meter)

In this image we can see 3 parts in essence, which are those that make up the Atomo, let's study a little each of them.
1.- Atomic nucleus:
The Atomic nucleus is the central part of the atom, it has positive charge and has 99.99% of the mass concentration of the atom, this consists of protons and neutrons.

Within the Atomic Nucleus we observe 2 components, the Neutron and the Proton.
1.1.-The Neutron.
It is a subatomic particle that is present and is located in the atomic nucleus, it does not have a net charge. Its mass is equal to that of the proton and 2000 times greater than that of the electron.

The proton is composed of three charged fundamental particles that are called quarks (in the image above, are represented by the letters that are inside the circles), these quarks, when their charges are added give common result "0", for this cause is said of the neutron, which has no charge.
1.2.- The Proton
It is a subatomic particle, with positive elemental electric charge, its sign is opposite to that of the electron, and its mass is 1836 times greater than that of the electron, its composition is of, 2 quark above, 1 quark below.

It is the name given to 2 particles: The Neutral and The Proton, which are the constituents of the atomic nucleus, these remain together, thanks to the strong nuclear force, which is responsible for keeping the nucleons together (protons and neutrons), which coexist in the atomic nucleus, overcoming the electromagnetic repulsion, between the protons, which have equal (positive) electric charge and causing the neutrons, which have no electric charge, to be kept together.

3.- The electron
It is a subatomic particle with negative elemental electric charge, the electron has no known components or substructures, therefore it is defined as elementary particle.
The elementary particles are particles that are not made up of smaller particles and are not known to have internal structure.

For today this has been everything, I hope you like the post, in the following days, I will continue developing this important topic, I thank all those who stop in this post and read it.
Without more I say goodbye.
@ jorge150785