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RE: L'obésité et la testostérone ne font-ils pas bon ménage ?

in #steemstem5 years ago

On ne parle pas vraiment du revenu ici (pour illustrer: mes posts en anglais ou francais ramenent grosso modo la meme chose), mais plutot du retour des lecteurs via les commentaires. Dans mon cas, je vois une nette difference : tres tres peu de commentaires en francais et un nombre raisonnable en anglais. De facon similaire, la qualite n'y est pour rien (en tous cas dans mon cas), vu que mes articles francophones sont des adaptations de mes articles anglophones.

Par contre, je suis d'accord avec ta derniere phrase: il reste peu de lecteurs sur Steem, et la communaute francophone etant plus petite a la base, elle a ete touchee plus durement par la fuite des gens.

PS: if you want I can switch to English. I didn't try the google-translate result :)


Google Translate is not so bad (at least for German).
Well, I could have decided to answer in English first, right?
But I have moments where I feel like (s)training my poor French also. :)

P.S.: After reading the French part and assuming I understood it well enough I agree. I don't have made observations on French science articles but in German it seems to be the same. And actually I only remember one single user writing in French. @lamouthe would be the second then. I expect to be wrong about that. Oh my.

I think the German and French communities suffer from the same thing: lack of readership/authorship. We try to do something, but with almost zero success... :(

@lamouthe (she is my wife) used to write (fully in French) in the past. She is quite busy at the moment, and may come back with posting one day. She is still reading and commenting (and curating for the French-speaking branch of SteemSTEM).

I was also writing once in a while in French. But spending 4 hours on a post for zero comment... I have given up, I must admit. I prefer to focus in English where I have a little bit more of interactions with readers ^^

she is my wife

I already thought so.

To some extent, leadership is actually accepted. It just must not be referred to as leadership.