Ten days left, and 20 steemSTEM members will meet at CERN, the largest high-energy physics facility in the world. Through this meeting, we will bring STEEM down inside the Large Hadron Collider and demonstrate that steemSTEM can push the frontiers further.
For more information about our meetup, please have a look here.
This also means that I have only 10 days left to finalize my introduction to particle physics…
Challenge accepted ;)

But before starting, I will quickly summarize the previous episodes of this series of posts.
- In the first episode, I discussed matter in full generality and presented how it was structured when its fundamental building blocks were scrutinized.
- In the second episode, I detailed how the fundamental forces of Nature were working, or in other words how the elementary particles were interacting with each other.
- In the episode III, I explained the needs for a Higgs boson, whose discovery has completed the list of particles expected in the Standard Model of particle physics.
- In the last episode, I finally explained how theory predictions are made in the Standard Model (and actually in any model of particle physics).
There is one fundamental question that I want to highlight today: why is the Standard Model considered as the right paradigm explaining what is going on in the microscopic world?
The answer is simple: the observations match with the theory predictions.
But then, why are researchers trying to find at all cost a more ultimate theory? This is what I want to discuss in this post.
As I have said just above, the Standard Model works damned well. We have an almost perfect match between theory and data.
Even after more than half a century, every single prediction turns indeed to be in full agreement with data. In addition, those predictions span a huge range in terms of energy scale. The limit on the mass of the photon is of 10-18 eV, whereas the LHC collides particles at 1013 eV.
We have 30 orders of magnitude there. I do not know any theory that does as good (if you do, please let me know).
I recall that the eV, or electronvolt, is an energy unit appropriate for the microscopic world. It is equal to 1.6 x 10-19 Joules.

[image credits: GFitter]
Let us dig more into details the above statements. By fixing a handful of 26 parameters, thousands of predictions are found to agree with data.
A summary of some important comparisons is shown on the figure here on the right.
I know that I have already shown this figure, but it is an important one. It demonstrates this incredible level of agreement that I am not stopping mentioning since the beginning of this post.
The color rectangles show that the level of disagreement is below 3 sigmas everywhere. The x-axis indeed shows the theory-data mismatch, in terms of standard deviations (or sigmas).
In other words, this figure shows that the deviations are too small to be able claim for a hint of something new.
Another reminder: we need 3 sigmas for being allowed to mention a hint for a new phenomenon, and 5 sigmas to claim a discovery and potentially aim for a Nobel prize.
The Standard Model is thus an extremely successful theory (let us use superlatives once again). Despite this success, it however features several practical limitations and conceptual issues.

[image credits: Pixabay]
Just to name a few of them, the Standard Model has 26 parameters and this is quite a large number.
The Standard Model features a large hierarchy between the masses of the weak gauge bosons and the Planck scale (where gravity matters). This induces problems with respect to quantum corrections (and nature is quantum).
There is nothing about the neutrino masses.
There is nothing about dark matter.
And so on…
For these reasons, thousands of researchers like me acknowledge the Standard Model as a theory that consists only on the visible tip of an iceberg. And it is thus mandatory to find what is going on below sea-level.
There is in this way a more fundamental theory to be discovered, and we all have great hopes for related discoveries at the LHC. However, we must bare in mind that we may well find nothing at the LHC. We indeed have no clue about what new phenomena could be and if we have the appropriate machine to find them. But it is worth to try.
As a consequence, searches for new phenomena beyond the Standard Model (also known as new physics searches) play an important role in the LHC physics program. We want to know how our universe works after all.
In terms of new phyhsics searches, there is a huge number of them, in particular carried out by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations of the LHC. Just a reminder in passing: CMS is the detector that we will visit during our meetup.
Since we do not know the smell of new physics, we must be pragmatic and seek for every single possible option. And this is tough, on top of the fact that these new phenomena must be rare (otherwise, they should have been already discovered).
Now, it is time to go back to my previous post. From a Lagrangian, we (yes you too now, with Feynman rules :p) can compute production rates for the Standard Model processes. In other words, this corresponds to the calculation of the number of collisions that will give rise to interesting Standard Model events to observe.

[image credits: [homemade, from now stuff available everywhere]
Those lines show the expected production rates of various Standard Model processes production rates as a function of the collision energy. The green dashed vertical line on the right corresponds to the LHC today.
The top horizontal line (with the label σtot) shows that for every second, we have about 100 millions of collisions. This is the total rate of collisions in which something happens.
However, most of these collisions are boring. One percent of them are in contrast different and more interesting (σbottom or σjet). They however only concern the strong force. We want more than just studying the strong interactions!
Now, if we want to probe weak interactions, we need to produce W bosons and Z bosons (σW and σZ). This corresponds to rates of about hundreds of events per second. Physics analyses must therefore be clever for unraveling this small number of events out of the overwhelming background made of uninteresting stuff.
The situation is even worse for the Higgs boson. We are here talking of about a few events… per hour. And for new phenomena: tens to hundreds times less than that. This is like looking for a needle… in a needle stack.
With this post, I have tried to discuss a clash: the Standard Model works super well, but we now there is something more. I have discussed the reasons behind this something more, and I have tried to explain why searching for new phenomena is challenging.
The associated slides are available on my google drive. More information can be found in this textbook, among others.
In my next post, I will really discuss the LHC detectors. I just changed my mind on a last minute ;)
SteemSTEM is a community-driven project that now runs on Steemit for more than a year. We seek to build a community of science lovers on Steemit and to promote well written/informative Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) postings in order to make Steemit a place for fascinating STEM content.
More information can be found on the @steemstem blog and on the Steemit chat and in our last project report.
Great paper, I enjoyed in particular the graphs showing the fraction of events as function of the collision energy.
I kind of guess what the answer to my question will be, but just want to make sure:
Is there an instrumental parameter that can be tweaked to improve the odds of obtaining interesting collisions ? or, on the other hand, are all these ratios linked to completely spontaneous processes (whatever we do, we can't change the rates of occurence, as for example the decay rate of a given isotope)?
There are so-called triggers that can very quickly decide whether the collision deserve to be recorded. For instance, if there is a muon or an electron with sufficient energy, this is interesting -> recorded. And we have several of these.
You then have several level of triggers (fast ones first, slower ones next). The reason is that the rate is enormous and must be reduced as quickly as possible for something the electronics can handle.
Then, at the level of the analysis, we implement a much stronger selection to isolate a given signal from the background.
Today, we are February 8. I just finished with my last student of the day, and I feel I should be in Geneve tonight enjoying a fresh beer with SteemStem!
I will be thinking about our community tomorrow during your adventure inside the CMS. If you can, please forward to the members present tomorrow my warm regards!
Back to our discussion:
Thank you for the explanation. And what about the unexpected... If the selection is based on triggers... might we not miss something highly unusual (not expected, thus not programmed to trigger a recording)?
Or maybe, there is an algorithm that also filters out all that is expected, leaving only the interesting reactions.
What I mean is that you appear to extract the interesting collisions, instead of filtering out the standard ones. filtering out the standard ones would allow to detect something beyond the standard model if ever it happens. Is this being done? or is it just unrealistic in terms of computational power?
A significant fraction of recorded events is randomly recorded. That allows for the unexpected to happen :)
Aaah, that's good then... sometimes looking too closely at something, one misses what is going on the side. But of course, LHC scientists know that!
Yep, they know. We really want to be ready for anything ^^
Are neural networks used to parse through all of those needles, or at least to cut through the most ubiquitous collisions? I imagine there's pattern recognition involved that might be suited to learning algorithms.
(Upon further thought, I feel like the answer must be yes - the alternative being all of the data being parsed by human beings, which can't be the case.)
I'll pose a second question should the first one be an easy, obvious "yes" - do the searching algorithms become more efficient as more collisions are examined over time?
Beware - technical stuff...
Machine learning methods are actually used for more than 30 years in particle physics. They are not really based on image recognition, but more on the fact that some properties of the collisions are different for the signal and the background. The output then consists in a decision of the event being more signal-like or background-like.
Yes and no. You have statistical uncertainties that are reduced with the amount of collisions. But you also have a bunch of uncertainties inherent to the method and those are independent of the amount of collisions. For many searches, we are now systematics limited and not statistics limited anymore. Therefore, we really need huge improvements in the analysis techniques to get a better sensitivity to the signals.
There's a question I want to ask sir. It may not be related to the post. Forgive me if my question sounds awful :)
I came across quark gluon plasma (can't remember where), but can this also be produced in the LHC? or is it just particles that are produced there? Can particles be in form of "plasma"?
Thank you sir
Maybe you can start reading this article I have written some times ago? This state of matter can be produced when heavy ions are smashed in the LHC (not protons).
Thanks a lot sir.
I actually saw this post 3months ago. That was the very post I commented in and asked about the rupturing of the particle accelerator, and the creation of meta-humans :D
But reading the post again has further enhanced my knowledge.
I'm grateful sir
You are welcome my friend.
You are very good at explaining complicated physics in simple language.
Do you have or will you have videos available of your lectures?
Stanford and MIT have posted on youtube some wonderful videos of physics lectures and many other subjects also.
Also, I still don't understand how identical photons can be force carriers for both attraction and repulsion for charged particles without carrying some information about the sign of the charge of their source particle.
Thanks a lot for the nice comment!
I am pretty sure the steemstem guys will film me and post the lectures (@suesa or @justtryme90 or @grandpere?) ;)
The electric charge (with their sign) play a role in the interaction strengths. This has therefore not much to do with the photon, but instead with the interacting particles themselves. Is it clearer? (if not, let's retry again :p )
I'm looking forward to watching your video lessons.
Strange that photons carry energy from one charged particle to another, but not any info about the sign of the charge of the particle.
All photons carry the exact same amount of spin angular momentum, h/2π. Is the spin of all photons in the same direction, clockwise or counterclockwise? Or is the direction of spin in a photon influenced by the charge and/or spin of the source charged particle?
I just read up a little on Quantum Field Theory on wikipedia. In QFT there are many fields to account for all the particles. Pretty strange universe.
The gravitational field and the electromagnetic field are the only two fundamental fields in nature that have infinite range. Photons are excitations of the electromagnetic field and electrons are excitations of an underlying electron field. So I think the information of the sign of electron charge is carried by the electron field not the electromagnetic field. (Is that correct?)
The non-relativistic Schrodinger equation wave functions are probabilities, whereas the relativistic Dirac equation wavefunctions don't have a clear probabilistic interpretation. (Is this right?) There are also problems of fitting pair production and anihilation into both equations. (Do you agree?)
If you're too focused on the upcoming steemit meeting you're hosting, it's ok if you don't have time to respond to all these questions. I hope that everything at the meeting goes smoothly, everyone has a great time, it's not too cold there this time of year and that no unexpected interdimensional portals suddenly open. ;-)
Let me try to shoot answers here :)
It does not: it is a virtual photon in fact. Just a way to model what is happening.
This is more the problem for the solution of the Klein-Gordon equation than the DIrac one In this last case, one can construct a probability density. But in fact, in all cases, it is sufficient to multiply it with the electric charge of the field, and we end up with a charge distribution that does not have to be positively defined.
I don't know, what do you mean? :D
This information is mindblowing. But can be seen as programming to non physics and science lover. Thanks @lemouth.,hooking up for more information
Well, we need a bunch of programming to get there :)
That is the cheapest I have ever seen a textbook.... This semester alone I picked up a few, used, for nearly double that and one brand new for $150...
I was lucky, I received it from the publisher for having writing a review article for them :D
Well I will add it to my list for 'light readings' in the future.
If you were in Europe, you could have borrowed the book from me. But your country makes it not implementable (even in Python :p ).
Well spending like $30 on a book for hobby reading isn't the worst I have paid, though the offer is a nice gesture.
I have a better option: book a flight to Europe and you will be able to read the book for free ;)
It was very nice reading your post sir on new challenge!!But sir what if on the way of your challenging experiments and investigations you come to find something new entity whose existence was just found and whose property are anomolous of those existing at present, as like neutrinos whose velocity was claimed to be faster than light(https://www.google.com.np/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/science/2011/sep/22/faster-than-light-particles-neutrinos).How will you be going to takle the situation.If I am wrong please correct me sir, I had just a curiosity regarding it.
This is a very old story. A faulty cable. Neutrinos are not faster than light :)
goodluck with the Cern meetup
wish you good luck
I am not sure that luck is needed anymore, at this stage, but thanks anyways :D
Wow! Its really good of you
Thank you!
Great post my friend.
Nice post man. Thank you for informing me. good luck 😉
Groot? But why? :D
The science is beyond my grasps. I'm a fan of Scorpion, a TV show focused on geniuses who would understand this stuff. I'm Oatmeal. Liked. Shared. Upvoted. Resteemed.
If you find something unclear, please ask me. I would be more than happy to answer. Note that I don't know Scorpion, as I am not watching TV... :D
Hahahaha.. I have watched scorpion too
Reading this post just reminds me of #sheldoncooper the phycisist from the movie #thebigbangtheory.. The first time I heard of the Hadron Collider was in that movie.. Finally I get to see a big time phycisist
I know the name of the series, but I have never watched any episode. I didn't even know the LHC was mentioned :D
good luck with your chalenge
Well, it is in principle fine. I have enough time. But thanks anyways ;)
If Engineering, please do tell me ;)
BTW love what you're doing for the STEM community.
I beg your pardon?
Not a particle physicist, but a science person and also seen some particle physics lectures in you tube and all. But the way you present your idea is appealing even to a non science person. You're a great teacher, is what i meant. Love the way you present your ideas.
I'am an engineering student and If you ever decide to give out engineering lectures, I surely would attend it.
And also LHC is in my bucketlist along with ISS. Currently not living the dream but maybe one day :)
Then I should thank you a lot for your comment. I was teaching electromagnetism to engineering students two years ago, actually :)
LHC may be easier and cheaper than the ISS, I guess :D
Maxwell equations!
Haha. At my current state, nothing is easier and cheaper ;), but as Red said "hope is a good thing."
Good luck with your project @lemouth
Thanks! It should be fine ;)
mantap jiwaa... hana ubat
Sorry, I don't speak this language.