Thanks for this write-up! This is actually a long-term follow-up: one year between each episode! Your readers may need to be patient... ;) I actually vaguely remember having read something about depression connected to inflammations, but I was not remembering well. I am happy with the summary in the post. This seems to make sense (actually the entire post was quite comprehensive, as said by @abigail-dantes), at least for the non-specialist who I am.
Instead of asking questions (as I think I have mostly followed everything), there are two items in the post that made me laughing and that I want to emphasize here.
Think about it this way - while you wallow in your sadness for years, not having any interest in sex, the other members of your species would simply outnumber you
This sounds weird to my ears: “please don’t be depressed or you won’t transmit your genes”
On different grounds, I have learned that anhedonia was a word today… :D
Lol, I know I have sitting on this article for quite sometime. It happens a lot of times that I would start writing something then wound either lose interest or would think an it's not quite there yet. I would then save it in my email and start thinking about something else.
Haha, not that I wanted to say please don't be depressed or you won't pass on your genes. But it does sound funny when you put it that way. 😁
Also, thanks a lot for this feedback. It is always helpful to know if I was able to deliver the message to everyone. :)
I think I am a good guinea's pig for testing how the post is comprehensive. There is of course a more technical part, but it was fine.