Let me over-troll the jokes! Please!
I may be reading too much between the lines, but are you saying God is a bozo?
No, I was talking about dogs, not gods :)
What about the ugly ones who are not models and do not have super-symmetrical figures, do they get left alone? Is it possible to get married if you are ugly but you possess a lot of charm-quark power, or maybe you are a top-quark CEO?
Depends whether we consider the left-handed or right-handed guys. One hence has a left scharm and a right scharm, as well as a left stop and a right stop. STOP here! (PS: the names are real supersymmetric particle names).
For the partner thing, don't worry, the price to pay is that the partners are unstable... Who wants that? Well, the Higgs probably :)
Joking aside, congrats on your new research paper! 👍
Thanks! We just got the referee report: one figure to improve and nothing else. Basically accepted :)