As already said, we are a free curation service. This will never change. We don't want to become a voting service like the different existing bots.
If a user wants to give back some money to steemstem or curators, it is up to him/her and on a voluntary basis. Giving back money will in addition not ensure anything concerning future votes.
I have already understood it after suesa´s comment. I did not talk about a voting service, nor about buying me a vote by giving back money.
I merely reacted to the fact that "little money" was also mentioned.
I find it very sad that I should receive such an answer for my proposal, which I made out of respect and gratitude. In my ears, it contains between the lines the statement that I would like to buy Votes.
Actually, I can only hope I misunderstood and you didn't mean that.
Hope you´ll find your way, Mo*
Kann dir versichern, dass er das nicht so meint, er wollte hauptsächlich ebenfalls auf Kommentare antworten. :)
Hallo suesa, Danke fürs Beruhigen! :)
Das kam bei mir ein bisschen so an. Und da ich gestern erst in meinen 20 Fakten Folgendes geschrieben habe:
bin ich wirklich froh, dass du das sagst. Jetzt muss ich gerade fast ein bisschen Lachen, weil es so ziemlich auf diesen Fakt trifft.
Herzlichen Gruß, Mo*
Sorry. I edited the answer. By you, I meant 'one'. It was supposed to be a generic 'you' and not yourself. A cultural thing I guess ;)
I hope this clarifies. I also just wanted personally to answer your comment, regardless what others have said to give my own impression. Please don’t take it personally :)
Thank you for your answer!
I hadn't thought about the cultural thing.., I could have imagined. :)
Thanks anyway! I just didn't want to be misunderstood, that was important to me. Maybe if I'd known you, I would have understood right away. Next time I read about you, I definitely know I should read it twice.
I appreciate you answering me personally. I'm sure you have other things to do, too.
I hope that the steemSTEM project develops in the right direction.
Greetings, Mo*