The extra feature that makes them unique is that they can pass through matter, therefore they can travel undisturbed from one edge of the universe to another in the speed of light because they are affected only by gravity (the weakest of the four forces in nature).
This is actually incorrect. Neutrino interacts via weak interactions (they are crated in beta radioactive beta decays for instance). In addition, even if they are in principle sensitive to gravity, the effects are totally negligible.
Sorry for ruining your post :p
PS: I wrote a couple of neutrino posts some time ago. If you are interested, I can dig and find them :p
By all means! I wanted the feedback, because the topic is difficult. I remember reading that part with the negligible gravity interference, I just failed to mention it. I'll fix it ;)
As for the extra literature, thanks for the offer, but I guess I lack the background knowledge to understand them :P
Please check this one. I hope it is accessible enough ^^
Oh thanks! I'm reading it tonight ;)