This makes no sense. Did you have a careful look to the science category? We need to motivate people in general to write good STEM posts...
We don't care about the person being a male or a female. On the same ground, we ignore the author's race, religion, etc. We are promoting good STEM content. We are promoting good STEM authors. That's it. No positive and no negative discrimination ever. We are not a funding agency. We are not a hiring committee.
You assumption is also ridiculous: please demonstrate why a woman writing a post on STEM would necessarily work on a campus?
I think promoting steemstem to Steemian women is one way to support STEM education.
I disagree. First, show me how steemit contribute to education in STEM? This is a big flaw in your reasoning.
Women are one of the major issues in STEM education.
Sure, it is an issue. Major issue? Why? Moreover, committees are well aware of this. Believe me. Things are moving in the right direction by don't expect things to change in no time.
Right @lemouth, gender, gender, gender, we've come to forget about the person and only care about genitalia and hormones